发布时间:2019-04-29 |来源:



  二维环面上的白噪声测度(也叫作enstrophy measure)是二维欧拉方程的不变测度。我与Flandoli教授合作研究了受到一类传输型随机噪声扰动的、涡度形式的二维欧拉方程,以及相关的随机涡点系统。在一定条件下,我们证明了当涡点数目趋于无穷时,随机涡点解的某个尺度极限(scaling limit)收敛到随机二维欧拉方程的一个白噪声解,该解在任意时刻的分布都关于白噪声测度绝对连续。与确定型的二维欧拉方程相比,随机二维欧拉方程的白噪声解具有更好的性质。例如,我们可以证明后者的解的分布关于白噪声测度的密度满足相关的Kolmogorov向前方程(也叫Fokker-Planck方程),以及一个重要的梯度估计。我们期望这个估计将在证明Kolmogorov向前方程的解的唯一性方面发挥作用,由此进一步导出随机二维欧拉方程的白噪声解的分布唯一性。 

  本文(见[1])已被Probability Theory and Related Fields在线发表。审稿人评价说:“This paper is well organized and presents a nice piece of mathematics with sufficient details provided. 

  另外,我们用Galerkin逼近的方法直接研究了Kolmogorov方程的解的性质。特别地,我们证明了当随机噪声中的参数γ取临界值2时,Galerkin逼近的序列只能收敛到平凡的常值函数。目前本文(见[2])已被SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis接受,即将发表。审稿人说:“The case γ= 2 is more surprising and much more difficult ...... The result of the paper is very interesting and the authors provide powerful new techniques for singular Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions that will have applications also for other problems. 


  鉴于参数γ= 2Kolmogorov方程表现出的奇异性,我们对涡度形式的随机二维欧拉方程进行了适当的重整化,得到了一列方程。我们证明了它们的白噪声解弱收敛到由时空白噪声驱动的、涡度形式的二维Navier-Stokes方程的解。后一方程在过去的十几年里引起了很大的关注,包括G. Da Prato(意大利比萨高师Emeritus Professor2018年当选欧洲科学院成员)和S. Albeverio(德国波恩大学Emeritus Professor)等著名学者在内的很多人都对它进行了研究。 

  我们的文章(见[3])已被Annals of Probability接受。其中一个审稿人说:“This is a very nice, interesting paper. The result is really astounding and I strongly recommend the paper for publication. I have not seen the same result in the literature and I think the result is important.”另一个审稿人说:“This very nice article studies the 2D Euler equations with transport noise ...... The surprising and very nice fact is that the limit equation is the Navier-Stokes equation with space-time white noise. 


  [1] Franco Flandoli, Dejun Luo. ρ-white noise solution to 2D stochastic Euler equations. Probability Theory and Related Fields (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00440-019-00902-8. 

  [2] Franco Flandoli, Dejun Luo. Kolmogorov equations associated to the stochastic 2D Euler equations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (2019), 已接受. 

  [3] Franco Flandoli, Dejun Luo. Convergence of transport noise to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck for 2D Euler equations under the enstrophy measure. Annals of Probability (2019), 已接受. 

