发布时间:2023-01-30 |来源:

  Automorphism ensemble (AE) decoding for polar codes was proposed by decoding permuted codewords with successive cancellation (SC) decoders in parallel and hence has lower latency compared to that of successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding. However, some automorphisms are SC-invariant, thus are redundant in AE decoding. In this paper, we find a necessary and sufficient condition related to the block lowertriangular structure of transformation matrices to identify SCinvariant automorphisms. Furthermore, we provide an algorithm to determine the complete SC-invariant affine automorphisms under a specific polar code construction. 



  2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Espoo, Finland, 2022, pp. 2368-2373, doi: 10.1109/ISIT50566.2022.9834828. 


  Zicheng Ye 

  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science 

  Yuan Li 

  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science; Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 

  Huazi Zhang 

  Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 

  Rong Li 

  Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 

  Jun Wang 

  Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 

  Guiying Yan 

  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science 

  Email: yangy@amss.ac.cn 

  Zhiming Ma 

  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science 

  Email: mazm@amt.ac.cn

