In this paper, we first prove the global existence of strong solutions to 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with solenoidal initial data, which writes in the cylindrical coordinates is of the form: A(r,z)\cosN\theta+B(r,z)\sinN\theta, provided that N is large enough. In particular, we prove that the corresponding solution has almost the same frequency N for any positive time. The main idea of the proof is first to write the solution in trigonometrical series in \theta variable and estimate the coefficients separately in some scale-invariant spaces, then we handle a sort of weighted sum of these norms of the coefficients in order to close the a priori estimate of the solution. Furthermore, we shall extend the above well-posedness result for initial data which is a linear combination of axisymmetric data without swirl and infinitely many large mode trigonometric series in the angular variable.
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 438, February 2024, 109475
Yanlin Liu
School of Mathematical Sciences, Laboratory of Mathematics and Complex Systems, MOE, Beijing Normal University, 100875 Beijing, China
Ping Zhang
Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science and Hua Loo-Keng Center for Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China