
图为2001年江泽民主席向 首届国家最高科学技术奖获得者吴文俊教授颁奖 Chairman Jiang Zemin vested Wu Wenjun the first National Top Science and Technology Award.
In the past 50 years, the scientific personnel of the four institutes has made important contributions to the country's development of mathematics and system sciences as well as the construction in national economy and national defence. They have won more than 400 scientific awards, including one National Top Science and Technology Award, four first-class prizes of the National Natural Science Award, and some important international awards. Some important research achievements in applied sciences have been acknowledged by the central government leaders and relevant divisions of application. This has proved the important role of mathematical theory in the main fronts of the national economy.
国家自然科学奖一等奖:National Natural Science Award (first class)
典型域上的多元复变数函数论(华罗庚,1956) The theory of functions of several complex variables over classical domains (Hua Luogeng, 1956)
示性类与示嵌类的研究(吴文俊,1956) Studies on characteristic classes and embedding classes (Wu Wenjun, 1956)
哥德巴赫猜想研究(陈景润、王元、潘承洞,1982) Studies on the Goldbach conjecture (Chen Jingrun, Wang Yuan, Pan Chengdong, 1982)
哈密尔顿系统的辛几何算法(冯康等,1997) Symplectic geometric algorithm of Hamiltonian systems (Feng Kang et al., 1997)
国家自然科学奖二等奖:National Natural Science Award (second class):
整函数和亚纯函数的值分布论(杨乐、张广厚,1982) The theory of value distribution of entire and meromorphic functions (Yang Le, Zhang Guanghou, 1982)
飞行器弹性振动控制理论研究(宋健、关肇直等,1982) Control theory of elastic vibration of flying equipments (Song Jian, Guan Zhaozhi et al., 1982)
有限元方法(冯康、黄鸿慈等,1982) The finite element method (Feng Kang, Huang Hongci et al., 1982)
流体弹性模型及其在核爆与穿甲方面应用(主要参加者李荫藩,1982) Fluid elastic models and applications to nuclear explosion and armour-piercing (Li Yinfan as a main participant, 1982)
复几何与相关问题(钟家庆,1987) Complex geometry and related problems (Zhong Jiaqing, 1987)
补偿列紧原理与等熵气动力学方程组(丁夏畦等,1989) Compensated compactness principle and the system of equations of isentropic gas dynamics (Ding Xiaqi et al., 1989)
量子场论大范围性质的研究(主要参加者王世坤,1989) Studies on the global properties of quantum field theory (Wang Shikun as a main participant, 1989)
非线性微分方程及其在几何中的应用(丁伟岳,1993) Non-linear differential equations and applications to geometry (Ding Weiyue, 1993)
狄氏型与随机分析(马志明、严加安,1993) Dirichlet forms and stochastic analysis (Ma Zhiming, Yan Jiaan, 1995)
关于斯坦纳树的研究(堵丁柱,1995) Studies on the Stener tree (Du Dingzhu, 1995)
几何定理机器证明理论与算法的新进展(主要参加者高小山,1997) New development of theory and algorithms of mechanization of geometric theorem proving (Gao Xiaoshan as a main participant, 1997)
国家自然科学奖三等奖:National Natural Science Award (third class):
迁移算子占优本征值研究(阳名珠、朱广田,1982) Studies on dominant eigenvalues of transport operators (Yang Mingzhu, Zhu Guangtian, 1982)
初边值问题差分方法及绕流(朱幼兰等,1982) Difference method of initial boundary value problems and rotational flow (Zhu Youlan et al., 1982)
典型群的同构理论(万哲先等,1987) Isomorphism theory of classical groups (Wan Zhexian et al., 1987)
典型流形与典型域(陆启铿,1987) Classical manifolds and classical domains (Lu Qikeng, 1987)
最优化的理论及算法(越民义、吴方、韩继业等,1987) Optimization theory and algorithms (Yue Minyi, Wu Fang, Han Jiye et al., 1987)
动态系统的辨识与适应控制(陈翰馥、郭雷,1987) Identification and adaptive control for dynamical systems (Chen Hanfu, Guo Lei, 1987)
有限元理论及方法(石钟慈,1989) The finite element theory and methods (Shi Zhongci, 1989)
自适应估计与控制的基础理论(郭雷、陈翰馥,1997) Fundamental theory of adaptive estimation and control (Guo Lei, Chen Hanfu, 1997)
参数摄动控制系统的鲁棒分析与综合(主要参加者王恩平,1999) Robust analysis and synthesis of control systems of parameter perturbation (Wang Enping as a main participant, 1999)
国家科技进步奖特等奖:National Science & Technology Progress Award (special class):
尖兵一号通用型卫星及东方红一号卫星(主要参加者关肇直,1985) The general-purpose satellite Jianbing No.1 and the satellite Dongfanghong No.1 (Guan Zhaozhi as a main participant, 1985)
国家科技进步奖一等奖:National Science & Technology Progress Award (first class):
人口系统定量研究及其应用(主要参加者朱广田,1987) Quantitative studies of population systems and applications (Zhu Guangtian as a main participant, 1987)
攀钢提钒工艺参数的系统优化----完善提高提钒工艺技术(主要参加者徐伟宣、徐中玲,1988) Systematic optimization of technological parameters of extracting vanadium (Xu Weixuan, Xu Zhongling as main participants, 1988)
国家科技进步奖二等奖:National Science & Technology Progress Award (second class):
建筑结构统一设计标准(安全度研究)(主要参加者刘源张,1986) Unified design standards of building structure (Liu Yuanzhang as a main participant, 1986)
地震勘探数值方法(冯康、张关泉等,1987) Numerical methods of seismic prospecting (Feng Kang, Zhang Guanquan et al., 1987)
黄淮海平原农业时空开发配置模型(主要参加者王毓云,1988) Disposition model of agricultural time and space developing of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (Wang Yuyun as a main participant, 1988)
天马通用型集成式专家系统开发环境(陆汝钤,1993) "Heaven Steed" --- A general-purpose and integrated expert system development environment (Lu Ruqian, 1993)
有限元程序自动生成系统(梁国平,1995) Automatically generating system of finite element programs (Liang Guoping, 1995)
国家科技进步奖三等奖:National Science & Technology Progress Award (third class):
全国农业投入产出表及其应用(陈锡康等,1987) Throwing and producing tables of the nationwide agriculture and applications (Chen Xikang et al., 1987)
数学软件库STYR(徐献瑜、张绮霞等,1987) Mathematics software base STYR (Xu Xianyu, Zhang Yixia et al., 1987)
三江平原区域农业自然资源遥感复查及其综合治理建议(主要参加者舒光复、顾基发,1988) Remote sensing reexamination of agricultural resources of Sanjiang Plain and suggestions for comprehensive administration (Shu Guangfu, Gu Jifa as main participants, 1988)
统计软件包SASD(张建中、杨自强等,1989) Statistics software package SASD (Zhang Jianzhong, Yang Ziqiang et al., 1989)
不稳定试井方法评价油气藏特征研究(主要参加者余其煌、吴声昌等,1991) Characteristic evaluation of oil and gas resources by unstable well-testing method (Yu Qihuang, Wu Shengchang et al. as main participants, 1991)
长江上游生态环境和社会经济条件研究与评价(主要参加者王毓云,1995) Studies and evaluation of ecology environment and social economic conditions of upper reaches of the Yangtze River (Wang Yuyun as a main participant, 1995)
中国控制系统计算和辅助设计CADCSC软件系统(韩京清、许可康,1995) Software system CADCSC of computing and auxiliary design of control systems of China (Han Jingqing, Xu Kekang, 1995)
全国粮食产量预测(陈锡康等,1996) Grain output forecast of China (Chen Xikang et al., 1996)
引青水利自动化系统工程(主要参加者张永光,1996) Automation system project of water conservancy drawing the Qing River (Zhang Yongguang as a main participant, 1996)
值分布论及其新研究(杨乐,1997) Value distribution theory and new development (Yang Le, 1997)
中国国情分析 --- 中国长期发展问题的系统研究(主要参加者陈锡康,1998) Analysis of national conditions of China (Chen Xikang as a main participant, 1998)
中国科学院科技成果奖一等奖:CAS Science & Technology Achievement Award (first class):
双法在四川、内蒙的推广应用(华罗庚等,1980) Popularizations and applications of general programming and optimal selection method in Sichuan and Inner Mongolia (Hua Luogeng et al., 1980)
优选节油技术和铁路系统运输统筹(华罗庚等,1980) Optimal selection technology of saving oil and general programming of railway transportation (Hua Luogeng et al., 1980)
机械化证明(吴文俊,1980) Mechanization proving (Wu Wenjun, 1980)
全面质量管理的研究应用和推广(刘源张,1980) Studies, applications and popularizations of total quality management (Liu Yuanzhang, 1980)
系列软件计划(陆汝钤,1981) A project of series software (Lu Ruqian, 1981)
最优化理论及其应用(越民义、吴方、徐光辉、韩继业等,1981) The optimization theory and applications (Yue Minyi, Wu Fang, Xu Guanghui, Han Jiye et al., 1981)
统筹法、优选法在规划、经营决策及重大项目的研究与论证中的应用(陈德泉、李之杰、计雷等,1981) Applications of general programming and optimal selection method to planning, management decision and demonstration of major projects (Chen Dequan, Li Zhijie, Ji Lei et al., 1981)
非线性波孤立子研究(屠规彰、邬华谟、秦孟兆,1981) Studies on isolators of non-linear waves (Tu Guizhang, Wu Huamo, Qin Mengzhao, 1981)
数论在近似分析中的应用(华罗庚、王元,1983) Applications of number theory to approximate computing (Hua Luogeng, Wang Yuan, 1983)
中国科学院自然科学奖一等奖:CAS Natural Science Award (first class):
补偿列紧与气动力学方程组(丁夏畦等,1988) Compensated compactness and the system of equations of gas dynamics (Ding Xiaqi et al., 1988)
有限元外推技术(林群等,1989) The extrapolation method of the finite element (Lin Qun et al., 1989)
正则边界元方法与自适应边界元方法(余德浩,1989) The regular boundary element method and adaptive boundary element method (Yu Dehao, 1989)
哈密尔顿系统的辛几何算法(冯康、秦孟兆等,1990) Symplectic geometric algorithm of Hamiltonian systems (Feng Kang, Qin Mengzhao et al., 1990)
狄氏型与随机分析(马志明、严加安,1992) Dirichlet forms and stochastic analysis (Ma Zhiming, Yan Jiaan, 1992)
关于斯坦纳树的研究(堵丁柱,1993) Studies on the Stener tree (Du Dingzhu, 1993)
自适应估计与控制的研究(郭雷、陈翰馥,1994) Studies on adaptive estimation and control (Guo Lei, Chen Hanfu, 1994)
流形上的极小曲面(王光寅、吉敏,1995) Minimal surfaces on manifolds (Wang Guangyin, Ji Min, 1995)
几何定理机器证明理论与算法的新进展(高小山,1995) New development of theory and algorithms of mechanization of geometric theorem proving (Gao Xiaoshan as a main participant, 1995)
多复变数奇异积分(主要参加者孙继广,1996) Singular integrals of several complex variables (Sun Jiguang as a main participant, 1996)
有限域上典型群的几何学及其应用(万哲先,1997) Geometry of classical groups over finite fields and applications (Wan Zhexian, 1997)
流体运动的扩散抛物化理论、方程和数值方法(主要参加者王汝权,1997) The theory, equations and numerical method of parabolized proliferation of fluid movement (Wang Ruquan as a main participant, 1997)
多复变与李群(周向宇,1999) Function theory of several complex variables and Lie groups (Zhou Xiangyu, 1999)
多复变数几何函数论(主要参加者余其煌、王世坤,2000) Geometric function theory of several complex variables (Yu Qihuang, Wang Shikun as main participants, 2000)
向量优化中的变分模型与集值分析(陈光亚、汪寿阳,2001) Variational models and set-valued analysis in vector optimization (Chen Guangya, Wang Shouyang, 2001)
中国科学院科技进步奖特等奖:CAS Science & Technology Progress Award (special class):
黄淮海平原农业时空开发配置模型(主要参加者王毓云,1987) Disposition model of agricultural time and space developing of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (Wang Yuyun as a main participant, 1987)
中国科学院科技进步奖一等奖:CAS Science & Technology Progress Award (first class):
非线性移位寄存器(万哲先等,1986) Non-linear shift registers (Wan Zhexian et al., 1986)
地震勘探数值方法(冯康、张关泉等,1986) Numerical methods of seismic prospecting (Feng Kang, Zhang Guanquan et al., 1986)
数学软件库STYR(徐献瑜、张绮霞等,1986) Mathematics software base STYR (Xu Xianyu, Zhang Yixia et al., 1986)
通用有限元程序系统(崔俊芝等,1986) General-purpose finite element program system (Cui Junzhi et al., 1986)
广义特征值问题的扰动理论(孙继广,1986) Disturbance theory of the generalized eigenvalue problem (Sun Jiguang, 1986)
有限元理论及方法(石钟慈,1987) The finite element theory and methods (Shi Zhongci, 1987)
量子场论大范围性质的研究(主要参加者王世坤,1987) Studies on the global properties of quantum field theory (Wang Shikun as a main participant, 1987)
统计软件包SASD(张建中、杨自强等,1988) Statistics software package SASD (Zhang Jianzhong, Yang Ziqiang et al., 1988)
不稳定试井方法评价油藏特征研究(余其煌、吴声昌等,1990) Characteristic evaluation of oil and gas resources by unstable well-testing method (Yu Qihuang, Wu Shengchang et al. as main participants, 1990)
黄淮海平原区域综合治理技术和农业发展战略研究(主要参加者王毓云,1991) Comprehensive administration method and strategy research for agricultural development of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (Wang Yuyun as a main participant, 1991)
天马专家系统开发环境(陆汝钤,1992) "Heaven Steed" --- An expert system development environment (Lu Ruqian, 1992)
全国粮食产量预测研究(陈锡康等,1992) Studies on the grain output forecast of China (Chen Xikang et al., 1992)
长江上游生态环境和社会经济条件的研究与评价(主要参加者王毓云,1992) Studies and evaluation of ecology environment and social economic conditions of upper reaches of the Yangtze River (Wang Yuyun as a main participant, 1992)
陈嘉庚奖:Chen Jiageng Award: 华罗庚、王元(1990) 吴文俊(1993) 杨乐(1998) Hua Luogeng & Wang Yuan (1990) Wu Wenjun (1993) Yang Le (1998)
求是基金会杰出科学家奖:Outstanding Scientist Award of Qiushi Fund: 吴文俊(1994) Wu Wenjun (1994)
何梁何利基金科技进步奖:Science & Technology Progress Award of He-Liang-He-Li Fund: 陈景润(1994)王元(1994)杨乐(1998)马志明(1999)丁夏畦(2000)石钟慈(2000)陆启铿(2001) Chen Jingrun (1994)Wang Yuan (1994)Yang Le (1998)Ma Zhiming (1999)Ding Xiaqi (2000)Shi Zhongci (2000)Lu Qikeng (2001)
中国青年科学家奖:Young Scientist Award of China: 堵丁柱(1992) 郭雷(1994) 袁亚湘(1996) Du Dingzhu(1992) Guo Lei(1994) Yuan Yaxiang(1996)
中国青年科技奖:Young Science & Technology Award of China: 郭雷(1990) 汪寿阳(1994) 张立群(2004)
Guo Lei(1990) Wang Shouyang(1994) Zhang Liqun(2004)
陈志明(2006) 洪奕光(2006) 杨晓光(2006)
Chen Zhiming(2006) Hong Yiguang(2006) Yang Xiaoguang(2006)
重要的国际奖名单:A partial list of important international awards:
第三世界科学院数学奖(吴文俊,1992) Mathematics Award of the Third World Academy of Sciences (Wu Wenjun, 1992)
马普研究奖(马志明等,1992) Max-Planck Research Award( Albeverio、Zhiming Ma、Roeckner, 1992)
国际自动控制联合会青年作者奖(郭雷,1993)(洪奕光,1999) IFAC Young Author Prize (Guo Lei, 1993)
印度Hardy-Ramanujian学会杰出奖(贾朝华,1995) Outstanding Prize of the Hardy-Ramanujian Society of India (Jia Chaohua, 1995)
国际IFORS运筹学进展奖一等奖(章祥荪、崔晋川,1996) IFORS Prize for Operational Research in Development (first class) (Zhang Xiangsun, Cui Jinchuan, 1996)
Herbrand自动推理成就奖(吴文俊,1997) Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automatic Reasoning (Wu Wenjun, 1997)
德国洪堡基金会洪堡研究奖(朱力行, 1998) The Humboldt Research Award of The Alexander-von Humboldt Foundation of Germany(Zhu, Lixing, 1998)
国际IFORS运筹学进展奖一等奖(陈锡康等,1999) IFORS Prize for Operational Research in Development (first class) (Chen Xikang et al., 1999)
国际自动控制联合会青年作者奖(洪奕光,1999) IFAC Young Author Prize (Hong Yiguang, 1999)
哈灵顿·石川质量专家奖(刘源张,2000) Harrington-Ishkawa Award(Liu Yuanzhang,2000)
国际具有影响力的经典引文奖(陈光亚,2000) Citation Classic Award (Chen Guangya, 2000)
捷克科学院"数学科学成就"荣誉奖(林群,2001) Mathematical Science Achievement Award by Czech Academy (Lin Qun,2001) |