032024.12孟国武教授: 开普勒问题和相对论里的对称群2024.12.03 14:00-15:00 南楼N204
022024.12刘小雷副教授: The geography of slopes of fibrations2024.12.02 10:10-11:10 思源楼 S817
022024.12龚成副教授: Galois cover of Algebraic surfaces2024.12.02 09:00-10:00 思源楼 S817
292024.11Jian-Guo Liu: An Efficient Solver with Convergence Analysis for Mean-Field Games via the Best Response and Evolution2024.11.29 15:00-16:00 南楼N205
292024.11张磊副教授: The Pro-étale Fundamental Group2024.11.29 10:10-11:10 思源楼 S817
292024.11扶先辉教授: Ghosts, phantoms and Cartan-Eilenberg homological algebra for a DG-ring2024.11.29 09:00-10:00 思源楼 S817
262024.11徐识博士: The Double Covering of a Foliated Surface and Its Slope2024.11.26 15:15-16:15 S615
262024.11吴小行讲师: 代数曲面叶层化的相伴典范丛2024.11.26 14:00-15:00 S615
262024.11何波: New progress of the regularity conjecture of Diophantine m-tuples2024.11.26 14:00-15:00 思源楼525
262024.11项玉特聘副研究员: 复杂量子纠缠的检测及应用2024.11.26 11:00-12:00 南楼N620