Fei Wang:Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Compressible Navier--Stokes--Fourier Equations with the Truncated Virial Pressure Law in Recent progress on mathematical theory of boundary layer


Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Colloquia & Seminars


Fei Wang,Shanghai JiaoTong Univerisity

Inviter: Nguyen Quoc Hung
Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Compressible Navier--Stokes--Fourier Equations with the Truncated Virial Pressure Law in Recent progress on mathematical theory of boundary layer
Language: Chinese
Time & Venue:
2023.07.21 09:30-10:30 思源楼S803

This paper concerns the existence of global weak solutions {\it \`a la Leray} for compressible Navier--Stokes--Fourier system with periodic boundary conditions and the truncated virial pressure law which is assumed to be thermodynamically unstable. More precisely, the main novelty is that the pressure law is not assumed to be monotone with respect to the density. This provides the first global weak solutions result for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system with such kind of pressure law which is strongly used as a generalization of the perfect gas law. The paper is based on a new construction of approximate solutions through an iterative scheme and fixed point procedure which could be very helpful to design efficient numerical schemes. Note that our method involves the recent paper by the authors published in Nonlinearity (2021) for the compactness of the density when the temperature is given.