Prof. Yi Hu:Geometry of Hilbert Quotients and Hilbert Families
2023.07.07 10:30 MCM110
2023-07-07 |
Dr. Qin Deng: Regularity of Lagrangian flows on RCD spaces and applications
2023.07.07 09:00 Zoom会议
2023-07-07 |
杨若涛博士:On the Gaiotto conjecture II: sketch of proof
2023.07.06 15:45 N803
2023-07-06 |
杨若涛博士:On the Gaiotto conjecture I: statement
2023.07.06 14:30 N803
2023-07-06 |
崔志伟:Linking friction, social coordination and the speed of evolution
2023.07.06 19:30 腾讯会议
2023-07-06 |
Professor Yong Zhang:Fast convolution-type nonlocal potential solvers in Nonlinear Schr...
2023.07.06 14:00 Z301
2023-07-06 |
Dr. Weijie Su: Toward Understanding Deep Learning Through the Lens of Optimization
2023.07.06 09:00 N204
2023-07-06 |
2023.07.06 17:00 南楼210
2023-07-06 |
张启迪: Trichotomy dynamics of the 1-equivariant harmonic map flow
2023.07.06 14:30 南楼N208
2023-07-06 |
2023.07.06 16:00 南楼210
2023-07-06 |
2023.07.06 15:00 南楼210
2023-07-06 |
2023.07.06 14:00 南楼210
2023-07-06 |
张浩: Meromorphic quasi-modular forms and their L-functions
2023.07.06 18:00 思源楼615
2023-07-06 |
Associate Professor Junhong Yue:A linear finite element method for flexural waves on t...
2023.07.06 15:00 N702
2023-07-06 |
董自康博士后:Values of Quadratic Dirichlet L-functions
2023.07.06 17:00 思源楼615室
2023-07-06 |
Dr. Hongyuan Cao:A powerful empirical Bayes approach for high dimensional replicability...
2023.07.05 15:30 南楼N205
2023-07-05 |
Professor Huangxin Chen:Thermodynamically consistent modeling and simulation of two-pha...
2023.07.05 16:00 N202
2023-07-05 |
Professor Hailiang Liu: A dynamic mass-transport method for Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems
2023.07.05 15:00 N202
2023-07-05 |
2023.07.05 15:30 南楼N204 腾讯会议
2023-07-05 |
林海明: 因子分析最小误差模型及其解与应用
2023.07.05 20:00 腾讯会议
2023-07-05 |
李武:A Co-Opetitive Game Analysis of Platform Compatibility Strategies Under Add-on Ser...
2023.07.04 16:00 南楼402
2023-07-04 |
蒲飞:Poisson approximation for the level sets of parabolic Anderson model
2023.07.04 15:00 N613
2023-07-04 |
袁航博士:Family Floer SYZ duality for conifold transition
2023.07.04 10:00 N913
2023-07-04 |
2023.07.03 10:30 南楼N613
2023-07-03 |
李闽溟教授:Defending with Shared Resources on a Network
2023.07.03 09:30 南楼N613
2023-07-03 |
罗俊杰博士:Complexity of Manipulation and Bribery in Premise-Based Judgment Aggregation...
2023.07.03 15:00 南楼N620
2023-07-03 |
李博博士:Approximate Group Fairness for Clustering
2023.07.03 14:00 南楼N620
2023-07-03 |
左怀青:Classification of weighted dual graphs associated to the minimal good resolution...
2023.07.03 09:30 思源楼 525
2023-07-03 |
Prof. Lei Wu:Ghost effect in 3D stationary Boltzmann equations
2023.07.03 14:30 南楼613
2023-07-03 |
Prof. Zhimeng Ouyang:Continuum limit for discrete NLS
2023.07.03 16:00 南楼613
2023-07-03 |
Hongjie Dong: Recent results about the insulated conductivity problem
2023.07.03 10:30 思源楼S813
2023-07-03 |
Hongjie Dong:Sobolev and Schauder estimates for degenerate Kolmogorov equations
2023.07.03 09:30 思源楼S813
2023-07-03 |
袁航博士:Family Floer SYZ duality for A_n singularity
2023.07.03 10:00 南楼N913
2023-07-03 |
韩德仁教授: Customized Douglas-Rachford Splitting Methods for Structured Variational In...
2023.07.03 10:00 N402
2023-07-03 |
韩德仁教授:Customized Douglas-Rachford Splitting Methods for Structured Variational Ine...
2023.07.03 09:00 N402
2023-07-03 |
Han Han: Active Beam Tracking with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
2022.07.02 16:30 Z311
2023-07-02 |
Assistant Professor Wei-Kun Chen: A branch-and-cut approach for the maximum capture fac...
2022.07.02 09:00 Z301
2023-07-02 |
陈学庆教授: Form(derived) Hall algebras to acyclic quantum cluster algebras
2023.07.01 10:00 N420
2023-07-01 |
王之任博士:Fourier decay of self-conformal measures for non-linear IFS’s
2023.06.30 09:00 Zoom会议
2023-06-30 |
张智元博士:Newhouse phenomenon in the complex Hénon family
2023.06.30 10:15 南楼N913
2023-06-30 |
黄辉副教授:Hypergeometric creative telescoping
2023.06.30 10:00 思源楼525
2023-06-30 |
石亚龙: Optimal growth bounds for eigen-tensors after Colding-Minicozzi
2023.06.30 14:30 腾讯会议
2023-06-30 |
袁航博士:A mathematically precise version of SYZ conjecture and examples
2023.06.30 15:00 N913
2023-06-30 |
2023.06.30 13:00 南楼219
2023-06-30 |
陈学庆教授:Quantum Cluster algebras
2023.06.30 16:00 N420
2023-06-30 |
陈学庆教授:Cluster algebras
2023.06.30 13:30 N420
2023-06-30 |
易灵飞博士:Physical rigidity of Frenkel-Gross connection
2023.06.30 15:00 MCM410 Zoom
2023-06-30 |
邱燕南:The based rings of two-sided cells in an affine Weyl group of type B_3
2023.06.29 15:40 腾讯会议
2023-06-29 |
邱燕南:Cell properties of translations in affine Weyl groups
2023.06.29 14:30 腾讯会议
2023-06-29 |
陈嘉杰博士:Singularity formation in incompressible fluids(Part I)
2023.06.29 15:00 南楼N402
2023-06-29 |