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20、Chen Xikang and Guo Ju-e, 2000, Chinese Economic Structure and SDA Model, Journal of systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, pp.142-148.
21、Xikang CHEN, Ju-e GUO & Cuihong Yang, 2005, Extending the input-output model with assets, Economic Systems Research, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 211-225.
22、Lawrence J. Lau, Xikang Chen, Cuihong Yang, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Yun-Wing Sung, Kunfu Zhi, Jiansu Pei and Zhipeng Tang, 2010, Input-occupancy-output models of the non-competitive type and their application – an examination of the China-US trade surplus, Social Sciences in China, Vol, XXXI, No.1, pp.35-54.
23、Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, Yun-Wing Sung, K. Zhu, C. Yang, J. Pei, Y. Duan, 2012, Domestic value added and employment generated by Chinese exports: A quantitative estimation, China Economic Review, Vol.23, No.4, pp.850-864.
25、Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K. C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, 2001, The Estimation of Domestic Value-Added and Employment Induced by Exports: An Application to Chinese Exports to the United States, http://www.stanford.edu/~ljlau/Presentations/Presentations/010618.pdf
26、Chen Xikang, Yang Cuihong, 2003, Input-Occupancy-Output Technique and Its Applications in China’s Grain Output Prediction and Township and Village Enterprises Study, in Science Foundation in China, Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 37-42。
27、Xikang CHEN, Ju-e GUO & Cuihong Yang, 2005, Extending the input-output model with assets, Economic Systems Research, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 211-225. (SSCI)
28、Lawrence J. Lau,陈锡康,杨翠红,Leonard K. Cheng,K.C. Fung,Yun-Wing Sung,祝坤福,裴建锁,唐志鹏, 2007,非竞争型投入占用产出模型及其应用-中美贸易顺差透视,中国社会科学,No.5, pp. 91-103。
29、Lawrence J. Lau,
30、Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, Yun-Wing Sung, K. Zhu, C. Yang, J. Pei, Y. Duan, 2012, Domestic value added and employment generated by Chinese exports: A quantitative estimation, China Economic Review, Vol.23, No.4, pp.850-864.
31、Lawrence J. Lau, Xikang Chen and Yanyan Xiong, 2017, Real China-U.S. Trade Balance , CHINA-US Focus Digest, Vol.13, pp.47-50.
32、Li Xinru, Chen Xikang , Duan Yuwan and Zhu Kunfu,2019, Sino-U.S. Trade Balance from the National Income Perspective,China Economist Vol.14, No.3,pp.82-97
33、Xinru Li, Xikang Chen, 2020, Sino-US trade balance from national income perspective and global income chains,Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies,Vol.17,No.4,pp.389-402.
35、陈锡康,杨翠红,祝坤福, 王会娟,李鑫茹,姜青言,2022,2022年中国经济增长速度的预测分析与政策建议,中国科学院院刊, 2022, 37(1): 68-77。