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发布时间:2019-04-30 来源: 【字号:  


  1. On non-cooperative games with restricted domains of activities. Acta Math. Sinica 11(1961), 47-62 (in Chinese); translated as Chinese Math. 2(1962), 54-76. Russian version in Beskonec. Anagonist. Igry, 1963, 459-488.
  2. Essential equilibrium points of $n$-person non-cooperative games(with Jiang Jia-he), Sci.Sinica, 12 (1962) 1307-1322.
  3. Algebraic varieties with dual rational dissections. (in Chinese) Shuxue Jinzhan 8(1965), 402-409.
  4. The Chern characteristic classes on an algebraic variety. (in Chinese) Shuxue Jinzhan 8(1965), 395-401.
  5. Chern classes on algebraic varieties with arbitrary singularities, in Several Complex Variables, Birkhausser Boston, Mass., (1984) 247-249.
  6. On Chern numbers of algebraic varieties with arbitrary sigularities, Acta Math. Sinica, New Ser., 3, (1987) 227-238.
  7. Layout problems in printed circuits and intergrated circuits (in Chinese), Appendix in Chinese version of [3], 213-261. 1979
  8. The layout problem of printed circuits and integrated circuits, Appendix to A theory of imbedding, immersion and isotopy of polytopes in a Euclidean space, (1977) 213-261 (in Chinese).
  9. A mathematical problem in the design of integrated circuits, Math. in Practice and Theory, (1973) 20-40. (in Chinese).
  10. Planar imbedding of linear graphs, Kexue Tongbao, (1973) 226-228. (in Chinese).
  11. On the planar imbedding of linear graphs I, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 5(1985), 290-302.
  12. On the planar imbedding of linear graphs II, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 6(1986), 23-3 

  1. 混合计算, (21世纪100个交叉科学难题)
  2. 解方程今与昔,(科学与中国 2004, p.16-19)
  3. 探索与实践-我的科学研究历程, (科学的力量2004, p.11-19)
  4. 计算机时代的东方数学 (世纪机遇, 中国科学家人文论坛演讲录,路甬祥, 郑必坚编, 2004, p.181-194)
  5. 计算机时代的脑力劳动机械化与科学技术现代化, (人工智能及其应用第三版, 2004, p.5-10)
  6. 创新科研秉烛育人, 民族复兴建立功勋(科学新闻2004-18,p.4)
  7. 纪念邓小平同志诞辰100周年(春天长在丰碑永存2004,p.140-143, 科学技术出版社)
  8. 推动数学界人才成长, (随中国科技腾飞, 2004, p.36)
  9. 数学的魅力(数学的魅力I, 2004)
  10. 混合计算, 21世纪100个交叉科学难题, 656-657, 2005
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