9:10-9:50 王兆华(北京理工大学管理与经济学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
王兆华,管理学博士,教授、博士生导师,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、“中国青年科技奖”获得者、“百千万人才工程”国家级人选、“有突出贡献的中青年专家”、“全国优秀科技工作者”、“茅以升北京青年科技奖”获得者、教育部新世纪优秀人才、北京市优秀教师,北京理工大学徐特立特聘教授、享受国务院政府特殊津贴。现任管理与经济学院院长。兼任管理科学与工程研究会常务理事、中国可持续发展研究会理事、中国“双法”研究会理事、中国“双法”研究会能源经济管理专业委员会副理事长、北京高教学会高校管理研究会理事长。担任国内外多个学术期刊主编、副主编和编委等。长期从事大数据驱动的低碳消费(生产)行为管理、能源资源与环境管理、创新与可持续发展政策建模等领域的研究,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上、重点和杰青)、国家重点研发计划课题、国家“973”计划等课题(专题)、国家哲学社会科学基金、霍英东青年教师基金等30 余项;出版专著5部;在Nature等国内外学术期刊发表论文200 余篇,被SCI/SSCI检索100余篇,累计10余篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。曾获北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖,教育部优秀科技成果一等奖,教育部优秀科技成果奖(人文社科),国防科学技术进步奖等荣誉。
9:50-10:30 余乐安(北京化工大学经济管理学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
在信息与网络技术迅速发展的推动下,大量从宏观到微观、从自然到社会的观察、感知、计算、仿真、模拟、传播等设施和活动,产生出大量数据,从而形成“大数据(Big Data)”。为此,本报告围绕大数据预测研究这一主题,通过实例讲述如何利用大数据进行科学研究,从国内外科学研究的基础范式主线出发,分四个模块来进行讲解:大数据的价值、科学研究的四大范式、大数据预测研究的基本方法、大数据预测研究的面临挑战。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
余乐安,国际系统与控制科学院院士,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,中组部首届“万人计划”和中国科学院“百人计划”获得者,现为北京化工大学教授、博士生导师。出版专著5部,发表SCI/SSCI论文100余篇,Google Scholar引用8500多次,H指数为50,多篇论文被评为“ESI高被引论文”和/或“ESI热点论文”。先后获得Elsevier中国高被引学者、加拿大研究理事会全球Top 1%高被引学者、中国青年科技奖、全国(百篇)优秀博士学位论文、教育部自然科学奖一等奖和北京市科学技术奖一等奖等奖励。主要研究领域为商务智能、大数据挖掘、经济预测与金融管理等。
10:50-11:30 王学钦(中国科学技术大学管理学院)(线上报告)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
王学钦,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授。2003年毕业于纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校。他现担任教育部高等学校统计学类专业教学指导委员会委员、统计学国际期刊《JASA》等的Associate Editor、高等教育出版社《Lecture Notes: Data Science, Statistics and Probability》系列丛书的副主编。
11:30-12:10 李鲲鹏(首都经济贸易大学国际经管学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
A Spatial Panel Quantile Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity
摘要/ Abstract:
This paper introduces a spatial panel quantile model with unobserved heterogeneity. The proposed model is capable of capturing high-dimensional cross-sectional dependence and allows heterogeneous regression coefficients. A new procedure is proposed to estimate the model parameters. We establish the asymptotic theory of the estimated parameters under the large-$N$ and large-$T$ scenario. We prove that the widely-used Bai and Ng's information criterion can consistently estimate the dimension of interactive fixed effects. Monte Carlo simulations document the satisfactory performance of the proposed method. We apply our model to study the quantile co-movement structure of the U.S. stock market by taking into account the input-output linkages as firms are connected through the input-output production network.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
李鲲鹏,现为首都经济贸易大学国际经管学院教授、院长,2011年毕业于清华大学经济管理学院获得经济学博士学位。在国内外高水平期刊上发表论文数十篇,包括Annals of Statistics、Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics等,主持国家自然科学基金优青项目等,担任著名期刊Journal of Business and Economic Statistics的AE。
13:30-14:10 曹志东(中国科学院自动化研究所)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
曹志冬,男,博士,中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室研究员,硕士研究生导师,2020年获国家杰出青年科学基金项目。现为科技部新冠疫情防控信息化专班专家组成员,担任多个学术组织的常务理事、理事与专委会委员。研究方向为公共卫生应急管理、社会计算与大数据分析,主持并组织实施国家科技重大专项“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”、国家科技重点研发计划“生物安全关键技术研发”、基金委重大研究计划“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”和“大数据驱动的管理与决策” 及基金委 “新冠肺炎疫情等公共卫生事件的应对、治理及影响” 专项等资助课题十余项,针对新冠肺炎、非典、甲流、手足口病、登革热等对我国构成严重威胁的重大传染病疫情,发展大规模疫情信息处理、时空风险评估、传播动力学建模、大数据分析、情景模拟与计算实验评估的模型和技术,致力于推动我国应对重大突发公共卫生危机的应急管理能力建设。在IJMS、IJGIS、IEEE IS、IEEE SMC-Systems、科学通报、中国科学等国内外主流期刊和会议上发表论文近百篇,主编/主译传染病信息学著作3部,获军队科技进步一等奖、二等奖、中国仿真学会自然科学一等奖等科技奖励8项。参与新冠抗疫应急保障工作,给国家和部委机构提交大量建议咨询报告,新冠学术成果得到大量报道、转载和引用。
14:10-14:50 王勇(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
王勇,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所研究员。1999 年从内蒙古大学数学系的数学物理专业本科学位,2002 年从大连理工大学应用数学系获得运筹学与控制论硕士学位,2005年从中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院获得运筹学与控制论专业的理学博士学位。曾先后到美国波士顿大学生物信息学中心, 日本产业技术综合研究所计算生物研究中心和美国斯坦福大学统计系从事访问研究,目前研究兴趣是生物医学大数据的最优化建模。
14:50-15:30 曹志刚(北京交通大学经济管理学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
From Cooperative Games to Cooperative Functions
摘要/ Abstract:
Possessing numerous applications, the theory of cooperative games is fundamental. However, the set function setting makes cooperative games highly technical to analyze and calculus is generally unapplicable. Its central solution concept, the core, is combinatorial and hard to analyze. In particular, (i) proving whether the core is nonempty is technical, (ii) the core is often large when nonempty, (iii) closed forms are typically unavailable, (iv) implementing the core often requires the existence of a powerful central agent, (v) the core allocation may not be robust, and (v) testing whether a payoff allocation is in the core is often computationally hard. Motivated by the general equilibrium theory, this paper makes advances on these fronts by studying a framework that is based on ordinary functions meeting certain regularity conditions (referred to as cooperative functions). This framework aims at solving an infinite number of related problems in a unified way and makes differential and superdifferential often applicable. Applications of this framework to newsvendor games, linear production games and EOQ games easily reproduce many well-known results and produce several new results.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
曹志刚,北京交通大学经济管理学院教授。2010年毕业于中科院数学与系统科学研究院并留院任助理研究员。2017年加盟北京交通大学经济管理学院,任“卓越百人计划”教授。主要研究兴趣为博弈论及其应用,包括网络博弈和算法博弈论等。在相关领域主流刊物发表论文30余篇,包括Operations Research、Games and Economic Behavior和Journal of Mathematical Economics等期刊以及ACM Economics & Computation等会议。获中国信息经济学理论贡献奖、系统科学与系统工程青年科技奖、中国决策科学青年科技奖和关肇直青年研究奖。任中国信息经济学会常务理事,中国运筹学会理事、博弈论分会副秘书长、排序论分会副秘书长,中国“双法”学会智能决策与博弈分会副理事长、青年工作委员会副秘书长、网络科学分会副秘书长等。主持包括优秀青年基金在内的国家自然科学基金委课题4项。
15:40-16:20 姜富伟(中央财经大学金融学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Equity Premium Prediction with Bagged Machine Learning
摘要/ Abstract:
We introduce a variation of Yu (2011)’s weighted bagging estimation method and show it substantially improves the predictability of the equity premium and other economic variables. This new machine learning method sharply improves equity premium predictability of many models with significant monthly out-of-sample R-square up to almost 3% and annual utility gains of more than 3.5%. The improved predictive performance stems from better performance during periods of economic recession and market turbulence and downturns, as well as increased diversity and built-in shrinkage of our weighted bagging method. Interest rate related variables show the strongest predictive ability for the equity premium.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
姜富伟,现任中央财经大学金融工程系主任,教授、博导、龙马青年学者,研究领域包括资本市场、资产定价、行为金融、金融科技等,在金融学国内外顶级期刊Journal of Financial Economics、Review of Financial Studies、《金融研究》、《管理科学学报》、《经济学季刊》等发表论文30余篇,主持北京市和国家自然科学基金项目4项。研究成果被ESI评为经济管理类全球前1%最高被引用论文,被《哈佛商业评论》、《清华金融评论》等转载,荣获亚洲金融协会最佳论文奖、国际财务管理协会最佳论文奖等众多国际学术奖励荣誉。担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审、教育部学位中心评审专家、SSCI来源期刊Annals of Economics and Finance编委和30多本中英文顶尖学术期刊评审。
16:20-17:00 陈凯华(中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
陈凯华,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院研究员,中国科学院大学公共政策与管理学院教授,目前兼任中国科学学与科技政策研究会常务理事、副秘书长,中国企业管理研究会新兴技术未来分析与管理专业委员会副会长。近年主要关注创新发展与政策、创新计量与管理、国家创新系统治理、科技创新人才治理、国际科技创新合作、技术预见理论与方法等方向研究。曾获得中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员、中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、中国科学学与科技政策研究会优秀青年奖;获得创新管理与创新政策方向国家杰出青年科学基金资助,主持国家社科重大专项项目。兼任Technovation副主编,并参与创办《Innovation and Development Policy》(中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划资助),任副主编。多篇论文合作发表在科技政策与技术管理领域国际权威专业期刊Research Policy和Technovation以及Journal of Business Research、Omega、Regional Studies、《管理世界》、光明日报(理论版、学习思想特刊)等交叉学科方向的报刊上。主要执笔完成的多分政策建议获得批示和感谢,多方面建议被采纳实施,并牵头或参与起草国家标准两项;科技部“十四五”国家科技人才规划研究专家组成员之一,组织并合作出版《国家创新发展报告》、《国家科技竞争力报告》、《科技政策研究之技术预见》、《中国先进能源2035技术预见》等研究报告。
17:00-17:40 何静(南京财经大学信息工程学院)
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
该报告旨在介绍一种高效的时间子图同构算法,用于有效地进行反洗钱分析。 反洗钱分析需要复杂的方法来调查参与者并准确判断复杂且不断变化的交易网络中的高风险支付链。该报告旨在提供一种高效的子图同构算法,为防范金融犯罪和合规管理提供准确,全面和动态的解决方案。利用该子图同构算法,将大大提高准确性,速度和效率,以此识别洗钱活动,并为侦查和实时监控开辟一条全新的途径。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
9:00-9:25 娄有成
报告题目/ Presentation title:
The Equivalence of Two Rational Expectations Equilibrium Economies with Different Approaches to Processing Neighbors’ Information
摘要/ Abstract:
We consider a finite-agent Hellwig (1980) economy with an extension to allow traders to observe their neighbors’ signals in an exogenously given social network. There are two potential approaches for traders to process observed signals: directly infer information about the fundamentals from the complete collection of observed signals, or indirectly from an average of observed signals. The two approaches lead to different information sets for traders. In this study, we investigate whether the two economies corresponding to the two approaches are equivalent in the sense that they have the same market equilibrium. For general network and signal structures, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence, revealing that the two finite-agent economies are not equivalent in general unless the network structure and signal structure coordinate well. When traders have homogeneous preferences and the signal structure takes the classical form in the literature, we find that the two finite-agent economies are equivalent for regular graphs, but not for chain and star graphs. Finally, for the classical signal structure, we show that the two large economies, defined as the limit of a sequence of replica finite-agent economies, are equivalent for any network structure.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
娄有成,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员。主要研究兴趣为行为金融、微观市场与复杂网络的交叉研究,侧重于社会网络环境对投资者个体决策行为、群体决策行为以及整个市场的影响。在Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Social Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文近20篇。
9:25-9:50 孙玉莹
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Time-varying Model Averaging via Adaptive LASSO
摘要/ Abstract:
A major challenge with the model averaging approach is in selecting an appropriate set of weights, especially for forecasting economic and financial time series with structural changes. This paper proposes a new time-varying model averaging method via an adaptive LASSO to determine optimal time-varying combination weights for candidate models, thus avoiding over-fitting and yielding sparseness from a vast set of various potential predictive variables, simultaneously. The asymptotic optimality and convergence rate of the selected weights are derived when all candidate models are allowed to be misspecified, and the consistency and normality of the proposed time-varying model averaging estimator are obtained when the true model is included in candidate models. Simulation studies and empirical applications to inflation forecasting highlight the merits of the proposed method relative to other competing model averaging methods.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
孙玉莹,2016年获得中国科学院大学管理学博士学位,获得中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院“重要科研进展奖(2017,2019)”、系统所关肇直青年研究奖,中国管理科学与工程学会优秀博士学位论文奖(2019)等。长期从事经济预测理论与方法研究,在国际重要期刊发表论文10余篇,包括Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Reviews,Energy Economics, Quantitative Finance, China Economic Review,被Journal of Management Science and Engineering 邀请为Special Issue Guest Editor之一。参与撰写政策研究报告数十篇,其中多篇得到了国家领导人的重要批示,多篇得到相关机构采用。
9:50-10:15 吴 添
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
室外体育赛事的进行都会受到气象因素的影响,特别是以赛艇项目为代表的水上运动项目,海拔、温度、湿度和风向对于比赛成绩的影响巨大。受到新冠疫情的影响,东京奥运会比赛时间存在很多变数,因此对于更为充分的考虑比赛时期的气象因素,对于我国赛艇项目的奥运备战具有重要的意义。本研究选取1979年3月至2020年3月这40年东京市逐小时的气象数据,以及2010至2019年历届奥运会和世锦赛决赛的比赛数据探究:1)预测东京奥运会赛艇比赛时期的气象情况;2)分析特定温度、温度和风向下不同水平运动员的配速策略特征 3)针对我国运动员特征,提供配速策略建议。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
吴添,清华大学应用经济学博士,中国科学院预测科学研究中心副研究员,主要从事产业发展战略与规划、预测与政策分析、大数据处理和分析等方面的研究工作,第一作者出版学术专著1部,在国内外重要期刊上发表论文 30 余篇,其中 SCI 收录论文25篇,担任One Earth, Energy Policy, Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production等国际期刊审稿人。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目一项,作为主要承担者参与国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,参与国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”重点专项冬季潜优势及落后项目国际化训练平台关键技术研究与示范项目、国家体育总局科技攻关课题、国家体育总局体育科学研究所基本科研业务费资助项目等课题,共同主持中国科学院大学校部教师与研究所科研合作专项基金(已结题),作为研究骨干参与中国科学院院级科研项目一项(已结题)。
10:30-10:55 乔柯南
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Cross-section of Cryptocurrency Returns
摘要/ Abstract:
Economic policy uncertainty is examined as a pricing factor in cryptocurrency markets. An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model is specified with the innovation of economic policy uncertainty. By using a news-based economic policy uncertainty index and Fama-MacBeth two-step regression, we document that the risk premium of economic policy uncertainty is positively significant in cryptocurrency markets. More interestingly, prior studies show strong evidence that the risk premium of economic policy uncertainty is negative in stock markets. Our finding reveals the segmentation and heterogeneity of economic agents in equity markets and cryptocurrency markets. An increase of economic policy uncertainty indicates an unfavorable shift of investment opportunity set for the agents in stock markets, but a favorable shift of investment opportunity set for the agents in cryptocurrency markets. This study explores the possibility that cryptocurrencies might be used as a new investment instrument to hedge economic policy risk.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
乔柯南,2017年毕业于中国科学院大学获博士学位。2017年至今就职于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院。主要研究兴趣包括金融资产定价和市场微观结构。主持国家自然科学基金项目一项。在Journal of Financial Markets, Energy Economics, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity等学术期刊发表研究论文多篇,多次在China International Conference in Finance,Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society等国际学术会议上作邀请报告。
10:55-11:20 李雪蓉
报告题目/ Presentation title:
The Role of News Sentiment in Oil Futures Returns and Volatility Forecasting: Data-Decomposition based Deep Learning Approach
摘要/ Abstract:
In this paper, we extract the qualitative information from crude oil news headlines, and develop a novel VMD-BiLSTM model with investor sentiment indicator for crude oil forecasting. First, we construct a sentiment score considering cumulative effect from contextual data of oil news texts. Then, we adopt an event-based method and GARCH model to investigate the impact of news sentiment on returns and volatility. A non-recursive signal decomposition method, namely variational mode decomposition (VMD), is applied to decompose the historical crude oil return and volatility data into various intrinsic modes. After that, a bidirectional long short-term memory neural networks (BiLSTM) is introduced as the deep learning prediction model that integrates both the qualitative and quantitative model inputs. Our empirical results indicate that the shock of news sentiment significantly causes the fluctuation of oil futures prices, and news sentiment has an asymmetric impact on the volatility of oil futures. The incorporation of sentiment score is always helpful for improving the forecasting performances in all benchmark scenarios. Specifically, our proposed data-decomposition based deep learning model is more effective than several econometric and machine learning models.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
李雪蓉,2013年毕业于中国人民大学获管理学学士学位;2019年毕业于中国科学院大学获管理学博士学位。2019年1月至今就职于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院。目前的研究方向主要集中在大数据与人工智能、预测理论与方法、管理信息系统、决策支持等方面的研究。在《International Journal of Forecasting》、《Scientometrics》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外重要期刊发表学术论文10余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。曾参与国家发改委、中国人民银行、证监会、优酷视频等项目的数据建模、功能开发与系统维护。多次参与国家宏观经济预测报告的撰写,并得到国家领导人批示。
11:20-11:45 李阳阳
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
11:45-12:10 李陈筠然
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
基于对现实问题的深度理解和探讨,我们将复杂现实问题抽象成为一些经典优化问题的组合,以科学研究和实际生活、生产中的需求作为目标函数,建立合理数学模型。在本专题研究中,首次提出并研究了区别于最小边权重子图问题的定长度若干材料构建所需子图问题。对于给定解决问题的一个α-近似算法,我们设计了一个2α-近似算法和一个渐近7/4-近似算法来解决定长度若干材料构建所需子图问题。同时还设计了两个3/2 -近似算法和两个渐进全多项式时间近似方案(AFPTAS)。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
13:30-13:55 田开兰
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Regional disparities, trade mode, and China’s carbon emission intensity evolution
摘要/ Abstract:
One of China's major national targets is to environmentally upgrade its economy. In this paper, we define environmental upgrading as lowering the carbon intensity. The disparities among China’s regions suggest to examine China's carbon emission performance at the regional level. For this purpose, we use inter-regional input-output tables (for 2002, 2007, and 2012) that distinguish processing exports from ordinary exports. The regional emission intensities (EIs) show environmental downgrading in the period 2002–2007 and upgrading during 2007–2012. To identify the determinants of the evolution of regional EIs, we have employed a multiplicative structural decomposition analysis. Changes in direct emission coefficients and changes in production technology are found to be the major determinants. However, next to these standard determinants, we also evaluate the effects on the changes in regional EIs of changes in inter-regional trade and changes in inter-regional spillovers. Changing inter-regional trade is found to have increased the EI significantly in western and central regions. This suggests that more “dirty” production was shifted from coastal to inland regions. Our study yields clear policy recommendations for achieving China's transformation to a low-carbon economy.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
田开兰,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院助理研究员,中国科学院大学管理学博士,荷兰格罗宁根大学经济学博士,主要研究领域为全球价值链建模、投入产出技术、贸易经济等。在Economic Systems Research、Energy Economics、《管理科学学报》、《中国工业经济》等国内外优秀学术期刊上发表论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,国家统计局重点项目1项。作为主要成员参与商务部重大项目、国家社科基金重大项目等,撰写政策研究报告多篇,部分被部委采纳。
13:55-14:20 高 翔
报告题目/ Presentation title:
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14:20-14:45 张晓萌
报告题目/ Presentation title:
A Model Averaging Treatment to Multiple Instruments in Poisson Model with Errors
摘要/ Abstract:
We analyze Poisson regression when the covariates contain measurement errors and when multiple potential instrumental variables are available. Without empirical knowledge to select the most suitable variable as an instrument, we propose a novel model averaging approach to resolve this issue. We prescribe the implementation procedure and establish the optimality in terms of minimizing the prediction risk. We further show that among all the potential instrumental variable models, as long as one model is correctly specified, our method will lead to consistent prediction. The performance of the method is illustrated through simulations and a movie sales example.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
14:45-15:10 张亚茹
报告题目/ Presentation title:
CLACTA: Comment-Level-Attention and Comment-Type-Aware for Fake News Detection
摘要/ Abstract:
Microblogs become popular communication tools for news sharing in recent years. Meanwhile, propagation of fake news becomes a serious issue concerning the public and government due to openness and rapidity of online communication. It is widely concerned how to automatically detect fake news as soon as possible. However, most existing methods do not well utilize comments which contain rich semantics information or ignore their effect. Inspired by the revealing role of some comments to the original post, we propose the neural network model which consist of comment-level-attention (CLA) and comment-type-aware (CTA) for fake news detection. In CLA, we devise the attention mechanism which considers semantics relation between the post and the comments. Based on attention weights we take weighted sum of different comment representations for the sample as corresponding comment feature, which can capture key comment information. As similar to stance, we assume comments can assemble into several different types naturally. Therefore, in CTA, we store comment type representations by the memory matrix which is learned in the training process of sample stream. Comment feature for the sample is aware of the memory matrix and obtains corresponding comment type feature. We concatenate the above two auxiliary features and learned post feature to help detect fake news. Our validation experiments using the Weibo dataset and Pheme dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
15:30-15:55 李 萌
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Generalized Exceptional Quantum Walk Search
摘要/ Abstract:
We mainly study exceptional configuration for coined quantum walk search. For searching on a two-dimensional grid by AKR algorithm, we find some new classes of exceptional configurations that cannot be found by the AKR algorithm effectively and the known diagonal configuration can be regarded as its special case. Meanwhile, we give two modified quantum walk models that can improve the success probability in the exceptional configurations by numerical simulation. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of generalized exceptional configuration and consider search by quantum walk on a cycle with Grover coin. We find that the most common coin combination model (G, ?), where G is a Grover diffusion transformation, is a generalized exceptional configuration when just searching one marked vertex on the cycle. In the end, we find generalized exceptional configuration has a different evolution of quantum coherence from exceptional configuration. These extend largely the range of exceptional configuration of quantum walk search in some sense.
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
Meng Li is currently a PhD student in Institution of Mathematics, AMSS, CAS, advised by Prof. Yun Shang. Her interest is on the theory of quantum computation and quantum information, with focus on quantum walk.
15:55-16:20 闫志华
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
在线媒体是公众获取信息和表达观点的工具,也是社会突发话题产生和传播的重要渠道。从在线媒体的海量非结构化数据流中发现突发话题,揭示突发话题的演化规律对社会治理有重要的意义。研究提出基于高效用模式和话题模型的突发话题发现(High Utility Bursty Topic Model, HU-BTM) 模型,使用高效用模式挖掘找出文本数据中的突发词组, 使用基于普通Pólya坛子模型的Gibbs抽样方法,将突发词组与突发词引入话题模型,实现突发话题的自动识别. 为了分析突发话题演化中的话题产生、话题继承、话题融合、话题分裂等关系,研究提出基于主题模型的桑基演化图,对突发话题的演化路径进行可视化描述。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
16:20-16:45 王 齐
报告题目/ Presentation title:
摘要/ Abstract:
本报告主要介绍本人在博士研究阶段所做的三类的工作:(1)结合信念传播(Belief Propagation)和集成学习(Ensemble Learning)的思想,构建网络模型预测lncRNA与复杂疾病的关系;(2)构造图及超图上多形式的随机游走(Random Walk)预测可治疗复杂疾病的有效药物组合;(3)提出一种差异网络分析的方法,并预测与阿尔兹海默症相关的脑区。
报告人简介/ Short Bio:
16:45-17:10 张俊荣
报告题目/ Presentation title:
Why Have China’s Large Enterprises Exported Cleaner Than Small and Medium Ones? A Decomposition Analysis
摘要/ Abstract:
报告人简介/ Short Bio: