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【2023.08.25-08.25 北京】广义相对论小型研讨会
2023-08-21 | 编辑:

报告人: 杨毅  教授 (台湾交通大学)
题目: Noise Subtraction using Machine Learning (ML) in Gravitational Wave Detection
摘要: The Gravitational Wave (GW) detectors are very sensitive because the GW signals is much smaller than the background noise. Reducing the background noise will improve the efficiency of the detection of the GW signals and also reduce the uncertainty of the data analysis such as Parameter Estimation (PE) of the GW signals. Machine Learning algorithm is powerful on classification, and regression problems such as anomaly detection and denoising. In this talk, I will introduce a ML algorithm, Deepclean, that is a noise subtraction method to predict the noise in the GW strain from the environmental noise recorded in the witness channels. One of the advantage of Deepclean is that the denoising process can be hardware-accelerated using GPUs so that the latency to stream out the cleaned strain is in the order of 1 second. Therefore Deepclean can be used as an online cleaning pipeline to provide improvements to the low-latency detection and the Multi-Messenger Astronomy.

报告人:凌意  研究员  (中科院高能所)

12:30  午餐

报告人:田雨  教授  (国科大) 

报告人: 张宏宝  教授  (北京师范大学)
题  目:SL(2,C)×U(1) algebra and celestial primary conformal wave functions
报告摘要:In this talk, I will report our upcoming work on celestial primary conformal wave functions, which are believed to serve as the appropriate building blocks to formulate holographic prescription of the bulk dynamics, saying scattering amplitude in Minkowski spacetime. In particular, after a brief introduction to the relevant spinor machinery for celestial holography, I will show how the celestial primary conformal wave functions for massless particles can be understood explicitly as the representation of the bulk SL(2,C)×U(1), where SL(2,C) is the familiar Lorentz isometry algebra and U(1) corresponds to the dilatation, which can  be regarded as an additional emergent symmetry. With this new observation, we can further develop the relationship between celestial conformal weights and the bulk scaling dimension. I will conclude my talk with some ideas worthy of further exploration.

报告人:张向东  教授  (华南理工大学)