【2023.12.22-12.22 北京】 “概率论及相关领域”青年学术交流研讨会(6)


学术交流研讨会主要是报告人介绍本人近期的科研进展,互相激发思想,碰撞火花,介绍相关的新方法、新思考。并设有新问题讨论环节(Open Problem Session),就尚未解决的问题开展讨论攻关。


会议时间:2023 12 22

会议地点:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 南楼 613


 9:00–9:30 注册签到

 9:30-12:00 自由讨论

12:00-14:00 午餐

15:00-16:00 学术报告 (姜建平)

16:00-17:00 学术报告 (李欣意)

 17:00-18:00 Open Question Session

 18:00-19:30 晚餐


  报告人:姜建平 助理教授(清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心)      

  报告题目:Lee-Yang zeros and phase transitions

  报告摘要:In this talk, we present some recent results on the Lee-Yang zeros that arise from partition functions in Ising type models. These include the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Ising models with nearest-neighbor pair interactions. We also discuss relations between the zeros and phase transitions. Based on joint work with Federico Camia, Hou Qi and Charles M. Newman.


 报告人:李欣意 助理教授(北京大学)

 报告题目: The Boosted Loop-Erased Random Walk

报告摘要: We introduce a novel near-critical version of the loop-erased random walk (LERW) by boosting the weight of random walk path according to its length before loop-erasure. We construct the scaling limit in natural parametrization in two and three dimensions and show that the boosted scaling limit undergoes a phase transition and that the boosted scaling limit gradually becomes space-filling as the perturbation parameter tends to infinity. In particular, these results provide some evidence to a conjecture of Makarov-Smirnov on 2D near-critical lattice models. Based on joint works (in progress) with Gefei Cai, Aoteng Xia (Peking), Sarai Hernandez-Torres (UNAM) and Daisuke Shiraishi (Kyoto).



