【2024.06.28-06.28 北京】宇宙论新进展小型研讨会
6月28日中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院S1013 |
时间 |
报告内容 |
10:00-11:00 |
报告人:黄庆国研究员(中国科学院理论物理研究所) 题 目:在脉冲星计时阵列中寻找引力波背景 摘 要:最近北美纳赫兹引力波天文台、欧洲脉冲星计时阵列、帕克斯脉冲星计时阵列以及中国脉冲星计时阵列同时发布了最新的独立观测结果,显示存在强有力的证据支持一个与引力波背景相一致的随机信号。基于天体物理形成模型,我们将这个信号解释为超大质量双黑洞产生的引力波背景,并且发现这些超大质量双黑洞的轨道可能具有较大的初始偏心率。通过引入和扩展文献中从旋近到并合的双黑洞引力波截断能谱,我们将超大质量双黑洞产生的引力波背景拓展到空间引力波探测器的探测频段,结果显示这个引力波背景在不远的将来可以被LISA/太极/天琴等空间引力波探测器探测到。此外,探测不同的引力波极化模式可以用于模型无关地检验引力理论。我们最近在脉冲星计时阵列的数据(比如北美纳赫兹引力波天文台12.5年的观测数据)中都发现存在标量横向极化模式较为显著的贝叶斯证据,而15年的数据依然不能排除这个信号。我们的结果表明目前的脉冲星计时阵列的数据依然无法为探测到引力波提供确凿的证据。 |
11:00-12:00 |
报告人:张宸副教授(东北大学) 题 目:Taming the cosmological abundance of magnetic monopoles 摘 要:Magnetic monopoles appear as a class of topological defects with peculiar theoretical and observational consequences in grand or partially unified gauge theories. The confirmation of even a single magnetic monopole event would have far-reaching implications for fundamental physics. In this talk I will revisit the current status of constraints on their cosmological abundance. I will clarify the role of monopole plasma properties in yielding the abundance constraints, and discuss how the conventional astrophysical bounds can be further improved. I will also discuss the effect of capture by primordial black holes on reducing the monopole abundance and possible ways to form magnetic black holes in the early universe. |
12:00-13:00 |
午餐 |
13:00-14:00 |
报告人:凌意研究员(中国科学院高能物理研究所) 题 目:The theoretical Foundation of regular black holes 摘 要:We present the theoretical foundation for regular black-to-white holes from the point of view of Loop quantum gravity. It is shown that the dynamical behavior in the interior of horizon is independent of the choice of lapse function. but the symmetry between the black hole region and the white hole region may exhibit distinct behavior. |
14:00-15:00 |
报告人:田雨教授(中国科学院大学) 题 目:拓展黑洞热力学的研究 摘 要:本报告主要介绍我们近期关于变分法应用于黑洞热力学的形式化方面的一些新进展。 |
15:00-16:00 |
报告人:张宏宝教授(北京师范大学) 题 目:Black hole entropy in F(R) gravity 摘 要:In this talk, I will demonstrate how to make F(R) gravity well posed and prove the equivalence between the two seeming different formula for black hole entropy. |