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2021-07-27 | 编辑:



  Measures for the Administration of Collecting Tuition and Accommodation Fees from International Students of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial) 


  第一条  为做好中国科学院大学(以下简称国科大)国际学生学费及住宿费收费管理工作,保障学校和学生的合法权益,根据中国科学院、教育部、财政部有关规定和《中国科学院大学招收与培养国际学生管理规定(试行)》等学校相关规章制度,结合实际情况,特制定本办法。 

  Article 1  To better manage the collection of tuition and accommodation fees for international students of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as UCAS) and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of UCAS and the students, UCAS has formulated the Measures which are combined with the actual situation and based on the relevant stipulations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as CAS), the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and UCAS’s relevant regulations, including the Administrative Rules on the Enrollment and Education of International Students of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial). 

  第二条  本办法所称国际学生是指我校招收录取,在中国科学院所属研究院、所、台、站、中心等单位及国科大校部各院系(以下简称培养单位)接受普通高等学历教育或非学历教育的非中国籍学生。 

  Article 2  The international students mentioned in the Measures refer to those non-PRC citizen students who receive formal and non-formal higher education in Institutes, Observatories, Centers and other organizations of CAS as well as Schools and Departments of UCAS (hereinafter referred to as "host institutes"). 

  第三条  国际学生学费和住宿费标准 

  Article 3 Standards on Tuition and Accommodation Fees for International Students 


  Item 1 Standards on tuition and accommodation fees shall be set in accordance with relevant national regulations and adjusted to actual conditions in a timely manner. Specific charge standards shall obtain the approval from relevant departments of Beijing Municipal Government, be posted on UCAS’s website and published in admission brochures before being implemented. 


  Item 2 If standards on tuition and accommodation fees are adjusted, new students will be charged according to the adjusted fees; students who have registered at least once before will be charged according to the standards before adjustment. 


  Item 3 Students who are approved to transfer from masters’ to doctoral programs shall follow the charge standards for doctoral students on the day of their formal registration. 


  Item 4 Students who are approved to transfer from doctoral to masters’programs shall follow the charge standards for master’s students on the day of their formal registration. 

  第四条  学费、住宿费由国科大财务计划处负责收取。财务处收到费用后应当及时给交费人开具收据;交费人应妥善保管收据,收据丢失不补。 

  Article 4  Tuition and accommodation fees shall be collected by the UCAS Financial Planning Office. After receiving the payments, the Office shall issue a receipt to the payer in a timely fashion. The receipt shall be properly kept since it can't be reissued if lost. 

  第五条  学费按学年缴纳(计划学习时间不满一学年的,一次性缴纳全部学费)。 


  Article 5  Tuition fees shall be paid by school year (if the planned study time is less than one school year, all tuition fees shall be paid at one time). 

  Accommodation fees shall be paid by semester (if the planned study time is less than one semester, all accommodation fees shall be paid at one time). 

  第六条  学费、住宿费结算币种为人民币。国际学生应按规定一次性足额缴纳。 

  Article 6  Tuition and accommodation fees shall be settled in RMB. International students should pay in full in accordance with regulations. 

  第七条  学费、住宿费的缴纳方式、截止期限与确认 

  Article 7  Payment Methods, Deadlines and Confirmation for Tuition and Accommodation Fees 


  New Students’ tuition fees shall be remitted (in RMB, USD and Euro only) to the bank accounts designated by the Financial Planning Office (with remittance purpose and their passport names noted) 30 days before the start of the school year, and the remittance voucher shall be submitted to the host institute on the registration day. 


  New Students’ accommodation fees shall be deposited into their China Construction Bank accounts within 15 days after the registration day, and the bank card information shall be provided to the host institute and put into the payment system of UCAS. Then the accommodation fees will be deducted by the UCAS Financial Planning Office in due course. 


  The tuition and accommodation fees of the students (who register for the second semester in the first-year or above) shall be deposited into their China Construction Bank accounts 15 days before the registration day. Then the accommodation fees will be deducted by the Financial Planning Office in due course. 


  Students who cannot pay fees in accordance with the first three paragraphs of this article due to special reasons shall apply to their host institutes in advance for the approval of the Financial Planning Office. Within 15 days after registration, they shall make payments via UnionPay Debit Card, WeChat Pay, and Alipay at the UCAS Financial Planning Office. 


  If new students who study full-time at the International College do have difficulties in completing payments in accordance with the first four paragraphs of this article, they can apply to deduct their accommodation fees in full from their scholarship with the consent of the International College and the approval of the Financial Planning Office. And the remaining scholarship and living allowances will be issued to the students monthly. 


  The host institutes of international students shall sum up all payments, verify the payment details with the Financial Planning Office and report the details to the UCAS International Student Office.   

  第八条  国际学生经批准保留入学资格和休学的,可以缓交学费和住宿费,在批准复学之日起30日内按规定标准缴纳学费和住宿费。 

  Article 8  International students who have been approved to retain their enrollment qualifications and suspend their studies may postpone paying tuition and accommodation fees. They shall pay tuition and accommodation fees according to the fee standards within 30 days from the date of approval for resumption of studies. 

  第九条  国际学生缴纳学费后,经批准休学的,学费不退、不转,在复学后按月抵扣已交学费。 

  Article 9 If international students have already paid the tuition but suspend their studies after approval, the tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. The tuition fees paid will be deducted to offset the tuition fees on a monthly basis when the students resume their studies. 


  For students who are approved to transfer from doctoral to masters’programs, the tuition difference will be refunded on a monthly basis. 

  第十条  国际学生调整宿舍房间的,调整前应结清不同价格类型房间差价。 

  Article 10  International students who change a dormitory room shall make up the price difference before moving. 

  第十一条  国际学生无正当事由未按时足额缴纳学费的,不予办理签证延期手续。经培养单位提出,报国科大批准,新生取消入学资格;老生不予学期注册,不能享受在校生相关待遇,自动丧失各类奖学金、表彰参评资格。 

  Article 11  International students who fail to pay the full tuition fees on time without a proper cause shall not be granted visa extension. Under such a circumstance, new students shall be disqualified from enrollment by their host institutes with the approval of UCAS, and students who have registered at least once are not allowed to register for the semester, cannot enjoy the benefits for registered students, and are not eligible to apply for any scholarships or awards. 


  International students who fail to pay their accommodation fees in full within 30 days after the deadline for payment and without a proper cause shall not be allowed to live in the campus dormitory, and their scholarships or grants shall be suspended. 

  第十二条  国际学生超过国科大规定的基本学习年限未毕业,获得学校批准继续学习的,应按标准缴纳学费;获得学校批准继续在校内住宿的,应按标准缴纳住宿费。 

  Article 12  International students who have not graduated within the time stipulated by UCAS shall pay tuition fees according to the standard if they are approved by UCAS to continue their studies, and pay accommodation fees if approved to live in the dormitory.  

  第十三条  获得中国政府、企事业单位提供的奖学金资助的国际学生,学费和住宿费按照所获奖学金相关规定执行。 

  Article 13  As for international students who have been awarded scholarships provided by the Chinese government, enterprises and institutions, their tuition and accommodation fees shall be paid in accordance with relevant regulations for the scholarships. 


  International students who have been awarded scholarships from foreign governments, universities, and international organizations shall pay fees according to relevant agreements or Memoranda of Understanding. 


  As for the international students to whom the first two paragraphs of this article apply, if their accommodation fees are above the exempted level, the difference shall be handled in accordance with the Measures. 

  第十四条  国际学生学费、住宿费的核算和收取,由国科大财务计划处、留学生办公室和所在培养单位按照有关规定联合完成。 

  Article 14 The accounting and collection of tuition and accommodation fees for international students shall be jointly completed by the UCAS Financial Planning Office, the UCAS International Student Office and the relevant host institutes. 

  第十五条  国际学生在研究所住宿的,按所在单位规定的标准和方式缴纳住宿费。 

  Article 15  International students who live in CAS institutes shall pay the accommodation fees in accordance with the standards and methods prescribed by the institutes. 

  第十六条  本规定未尽事宜,依据中国相关法律、法规及国科大有关规定执行。 

  Article 16  Situations not covered in the Measures shall be implemented in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations and relevant UCAS regulations. 

  第十七条  本规定自公布之日起施行。 

  Article 17  The above measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation. 

  第十八条  本办法由国科大国际合作处和财务计划处负责解释。 

  Article 18  The right of interpreting the above measures resides in the UCAS International Affairs Office and the UCAS Financial Planning Office. 

中国科学院大学国际学生学费与住宿费收费管理办法(试行)(中英文对照翻译版) (2).docx