赵秀杰:Reliability testing for product return prediction
2023.08.21 10:00 南楼N402
2023-08-21 |
王晓林:After-Sales Operations Decision Makings Based on Aggregate Warranty Claims Model...
2023.08.21 09:00 南楼N402
2023-08-21 |
2023.08.21 11:00 思源楼813
2023-08-21 |
2023.08.21 10:00 思源楼813
2023-08-21 |
王黎雯: An Iterative Procedure for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
2023.08.21 09:00 思源楼813
2023-08-21 |
2023.08.19 09:00 2023.08.19 09:00
2023-08-19 |
2023.08.18 15:40 国科大S302教室
2023-08-18 |
胡永泉研究员: Serre's modularity conjecture and mod p Langlands program
2023.08.18 14:00 国科大S302教室
2023-08-18 |
赵禹 博士:Derived birational geometry
2023.08.18 09:00 南楼N913
2023-08-18 |
2023.08.18 15:00 南楼N514
2023-08-18 |
陈凯文: 动态网络系统的主动节点--一种"类小增益"控制综合工具
2023.08.18 14:00 南楼N514
2023-08-18 |
Associate Professor Cheng Cheng:Phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional spaces
2023.08.18 15:00 N702
2023-08-18 |
2023.08.18 10:00 晨兴中心310教室
2023-08-18 |
Associate Professor Baiguo An: Significance Test for Multinomial Naive Bayes with Ultra...
2023.08.17 16:00 思源楼一楼大报告厅
2023-08-17 |
2023.08.17 10:30 腾讯会议
2023-08-17 |
2023.08.17 11:30 腾讯会议
2023-08-17 |
邵书义副研究员: 无人直升机航迹规划与保性能跟踪控制
2023.08.17 11:00 腾讯会议
2023-08-17 |
2023.08.17 10:00 腾讯会议
2023-08-17 |
王春花:The existence and some properties of concentrated solutions to a nonlinear criti...
2023.08.17 09:30 腾讯会议
2023-08-17 |
Prof. Preda Mihailescu: The Kummer - Vandiver Conjectures
2023.08.16 15:00 南楼N913室
2023-08-16 |
Prof. Preda Mihailescu: Semilocal galois approximation for some popular Diophantine Equ...
2023.08.16 13:30 南楼N913室
2023-08-16 |
Prof. Danqing He:Multilinear multipliers: from one-parameter to multi-parameter
2023.08.16 15:00 MCM110
2023-08-16 |
Professor Shuyu Sun:Generalized Gradient Flow: Unconditionally Energy Stable Schemes an...
2023.08.16 15:00 Z311
2023-08-16 |
唐中正: Improved Analysis of Greedy Algorithm on k-Submodular Knapsack
2023.08.15 16:00 南楼N602
2023-08-15 |
王晨豪: The Proportional Stability in Facility Locations
2023.08.15 15:00 南楼N602
2023-08-15 |
陈露:Uniqueness and quantization analysis for positive solutions of Trudinger-Moser equ...
2023.08.14 14:00 思源楼S813
2023-08-14 |
Engui Fan:Defocusing NLS equation with a nonzero background: Painleve asymptotics in tw...
2023.08.13 09:00 N402
2023-08-13 |
Xu Jingke:Folded Codes for Coded Distributed Matrix and Its Transposed Matrix Multiplic...
2023.08.12 10:30 思源楼415室
2023-08-12 |
Xu Jingke:Repairing Reed-Solomon Codes via Subspace Polynomials for more parameters
2023.08.12 09:30 思源楼415室
2023-08-12 |
Engui Fan: On the long-time asymptotics of the modified Camassa-Holm equation in space-...
2023.08.12 15:30 N402
2023-08-12 |
Engui Fan:On the long-time asymptotics of the modified Camassa-Holm equation in space-t...
2023.08.12 14:30 N402
2023-08-12 |
Engui Fan:Application of Dbar-steepest descent method to the long-time asymptotics of t...
2023.08.12 09:00 N402
2023-08-12 |
2023.08.11 10:10 思源楼525
2023-08-11 |
2023.08.11 09:00 思源楼525
2023-08-11 |
高思杰教授:General mass formulas for charged Kerr-AdS black holes
2023.08.11 19:00 腾讯会议
2023-08-11 |
Henning Haahr Andersen:BGG categories in prime characteristics
2023.08.11 11:00 南楼N802
2023-08-11 |
方金辉教授:Inverse problems on representation functions
2023.08.11 16:00 思源楼525
2023-08-11 |
周悦研究员:On the construction and the equivalence of maximum scattered linear sets
2023.08.11 15:00 思源楼525
2023-08-11 |
Engui Fan: Application of Dbar-steepest descent method to the long-time asymptotics of ...
2023.08.11 14:30 N402
2023-08-11 |
Engui Fan:Application of Dbar-steepest descent method to the long-time asymptotics of t...
2023.08.11 09:00 N402
2023-08-11 |
高紫阳教授:Sparsity of Rational and Algebraic Points
2023.08.11 15:40 国科大S302教室
2023-08-11 |
2023.08.11 14:00 国科大S302教室
2023-08-11 |
杨佳琦副教授:On Leray’s problem with the Navier-slip boundary condition
2023.08.11 10:00 N208
2023-08-11 |
2023.08.11 10:00 南楼N613
2023-08-11 |
Associate Professor Guofeng Zhang: The effectiveness of control theory in experimental ...
2023.08.10 10:00 思源楼713
2023-08-10 |
Shao Liu:Killip and Vi\c{s}an's result on scale-invariant Strichartz estimates for Schr...
2023.08.10 10:00 思源楼S817
2023-08-10 |
Professor Ting Wei:Inverse problems for time-fractional diffusion-wave equations
2023.08.10 10:00 Tencent Meeting
2023-08-10 |
2023.08.10 15:00 南楼N613
2023-08-10 |
2023.08.10 10:00 南楼N613
2023-08-10 |
杨璐鲜:Wandering Julia components of cubic rational maps
2023.08.09 14:30 南楼N933
2023-08-09 |