282025.03吕克宁教授: Turbulence, Lyapunov exponents, and SRB measures in infinite-dimensional dynamical systems2025.03.28 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
132025.03Sergey Kitaev : Naturally labelled posets and a hierarchy related to interval orders2025.03.13 10:00-11:30 思源楼525
272025.02陈昕昕教授: Critical branching random walk in Z^4: hitting probability and occupation time2025.02.27 15:30-17:00 思源楼813
262025.02陈昕昕教授: Critical branching random walk in i.i.d. random envrionment2025.02.26 15:30-17:00 思源楼713
252025.02陈昕昕教授: Classical critical branching processes, Kolmogorov estimate and Yaglom theorem2025.02.25 15:30-17:00 思源楼S813
222025.02朱华君副研究员: NS方程的子单元限制高阶间断有限元方法2025.02.22 10:00-11:30 南楼702
212025.02何凌冰教授: Derivation of the Fokker-Planck-Landau Equation from the Quantum Boltzmann Equation via Semi-Classical Limit2025.02.21 14:00-15:00 思源楼813
212025.02姚方教授: Semiparametric M-estimation with Overparameterized Neural Networks2025.02.21 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
202025.02陈立学教授: 脉冲大电流高速滑动电接触电磁及熔化沉积特性2024.02.20 09:00-10:00 腾讯会议:920-381-977
202025.02常鹏鹰教授: 氧化铪基铁电材料与器件的模型模拟研究2024.02.20 09:00-11:00 南楼733