022025.04Prof. Stephen Theriault: Properties of Poincare Duality complexes - from rational to integral2025.04.02 14:30-15:30 南楼N818
022025.04Yanli Song: Lefschetz formula for locally symmetric spaces2025.04.02 10:30-11:30 晨兴410
022025.04Prof. Frédéric CAMPANA: Specialness, Core map, Kodaira Dimension and Fibrations2025.04.02 10:30-12:00 晨兴510
022025.04杜予聪助理研究员: The blockwise Galois Alperin weight conjecture for symmetric and alternating groups2025.04.02 10:00-11:00 思源楼S813
012025.04Prof. Laurent Stolovitch:CR singularities and dynamical systems2025.04.01 19:00-20:00 南楼N913
012025.04陈伊凡副教授: Mori Dreamness of Fake Quadrics2025.04.01 10:00-11:30 晨兴410
312025.03林云峰教授: Integrating EV Charging and Discharging into Power Grid Through Bilateral Negotiation2025.03.31 10:00-11:30 数学院思源楼525
302025.03Prof. Laurent Stolovitch:Recents results on equivalence of neighborhoods of embedded compact complex manifolds and higher codimension foliations2025.03.30 19:00-20:00 南楼N913
302025.03罗涛教授:Global Weak solutions for the Free Boundary Problems of Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with symmetry2025.03.30 10:00-11:00 南楼N702
302025.03陈丽教授:A mixed-norm estimate of two-particle reduced density matrix of many-body Schrödinger dynamics2025.03.30 09:00-10:00 南楼N702