132025.03Sergey Kitaev : Naturally labelled posets and a hierarchy related to interval orders2025.03.13 10:00-11:30 思源楼525
122025.03高红铸: Knot invariants in thickened surfaces derived from chord index2025.03.12 15:30-16:30 南楼N818
112025.03王国芳教授: New optimal Sobolev inequalities2025.03.11 20:10-21:10 南楼N913
112025.03王国芳教授: k-Yamabe problem, revisited2025.03.11 19:00-20:00 南楼N913
112025.03潘龙:K-moduli space of log del pezzo surfaces2025.03.11 10:00-11:30 晨兴410
102025.03傅双双副教授: Characterizations of Stabilizer and Magic States via Entropies and Uncertainties for Qubit Systems2024.03.10 14:00-15:00 南楼 620
102025.03詹伟城副教授: On the radial symmetry of stationary and uniformly rotating solutions of the 2D Euler equation2025.03.10 10:00-11:00 南楼224
092025.03郝田田: Geometric blow-up criteria for non-homogeneous incompressible Euler equations in two dimensions2024.03.09 15:00-17:00 晨兴410
072025.03姚琦伟教授:Autoregressive networks and stylized features2025.03.07 15:30-16:30 N204
072025.03邹长亮教授: Adaptive Conformal Uncertainty Sets for Contextual Robust Optimization: A Data-Driven Selection Framework2025.03.07 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)