092025.01Antonio De Rosa:Min-max construction of anisotropic minimal hypersurfaces2024.01.09 10:00-11:00 S803
092025.01彭飞博士: An improved bound on Seymour's second neighborhood conjecture2024.01.09 09:00-10:00 数学院南楼N620
082025.01王毅教授: "Almost-sure" Poincare-Bendixson Theorem and Invariant Cones of Rank-22025.01.08 19:00-20:00 腾讯会议:846-508-908(会议密码:250108)
082025.01陈世炳教授: The Optimal Partial Transport2025.01.08 16:00-17:00 腾讯会议:497-314-779(会议密码:250108)
072025.01金睿楠博士: A Comprehensive Framework for Analyzing the Convergence of Adam: Bridging the Gap with SGD2025.01.07 10:00-11:00 N208 腾讯会议:766-569-933
062025.01谭少林研究员: A Necessary and Sufficient Condition Beyond Monotonicity for Convergence of the Gradient Play of continuous games2024.01.06 19:30-21:00 腾讯会议:975-580-439
062025.01徐超江教授: Landau方程Cauchy问题的解析光滑性效2025.01.06 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议:335-499-775
032025.01孙萍讲师: Dynamically stable partitions in networks with the costs dependent on neighborhood2025.01.03 19:30-21:00 腾讯会议:670-149-416
032025.01孔令臣教授:A Novel Conformal Prediction Framework for Differential Privacy2025.01.03 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
032025.01袁铮: 极小L2积分的凹性理论与最优L2延拓问题2025.01.03 10:30-11:30 N913