022024.07宗传明: 后量子密码的数学基础2024.07.02 09:10-10:40 N820
012024.07王李俊: Lunar monoids and the self-absorption property of its Hankel system2024.07.01 16:00-17:00 思源楼S813
012024.07Prof. Fusheng Deng:Uniqueness of irreducible desingularization of singularities arising from blow down negative vector bundles2024.07.01 14:00-15:00 MCM110
012024.07杨宇翔助理教授: Quantum metrology with network states2024.07.01 11:00-12:00 南楼 733
012024.07杨宇翔 助理教授: Compression of Shallow-Circuit States2024.07.01 10:00-11:00 南楼733
282024.06瞿燕辉教授: Almost sure spectral properties for Sturmian Hamiltonian2024.06.28 14:00-15:00 南楼N913
282024.06郭帅教授 : 现代计数几何简介2024.06.28 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
282024.06江锴杰:Hawk签名方案及其安全性分析2024.06.28 09:00-11:00 思源楼515
272024.06高延教授: Parabolic model and its stable perturbation2024.06.27 09:30-11:30 腾讯会议:525-641-479
262024.06Professor Vladimir Vatutin: Critical Branching Processes in Extremely Non-favorable Random Environment2024.06.26 16:00-17:00 数学院南楼N620