272024.09齐波 副研究员 : 单参数超高精密测量-基于非厄米效应及优化控制2024.09.27 11:20-12:00 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
272024.09潘彦斌 副研究员: 后量子密码学简介2024.09.27 10:40-11:20 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
272024.09Dr. Lingfei Yi: Geometric Langlands for Irregular Theta Connections and Epipelagic Representations2024.09.27 10:30-11:30 MCM410
272024.09张科伟副教授: Green’s function on Riemann surfaces2024.09.27 10:00-11:00 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
272024.09Prof. Yiwen Ding: Extra locally algebraic constituents and locally analytic p-adic Langlands program2024.09.27 10:00-12:00 MCM410
272024.09彭自嘉教授: Some new results on evolutionary quasi-variational hemivariational inequalities2024.09.27 09:00-10:00 南楼620
262024.09Prof. Jia Wu: Towards Graph-level Anomaly Detection via Evolutionary Mapping2024.09.26 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议:449-954-975
262024.09刘冰萧: Toeplitz operators and zeros of square-integrable Gaussian holomorphic sections2024.09.26 14:00-15:30 思源楼813
262024.09Prof. Jia Wu: Multi-view Graph Mining2024.09.26 14:00-15:00 腾讯会议:449-954-975
262024.09张景宣 : Localization estimates for quantum dynamics I: a generic framework2024.09.26 13:30-14:30 S817