252024.11Professor Dan Dai: Asymptotics of Fredholm determinant associated with the Pearcey kernel2024.11.25 14:00-15:00 Tencent Meeting: 650-568-120
222024.11罗俊杰讲师: Cost Allocation for NonCooperative Joint Replenishment Game2024.11.22 19:00-20:00 数学院南楼N224
222024.11戚鲁: Higher rank finite generation and beyond2024.11.22 16:30-17:30 思源楼S 813
222024.11许绍镇: 退化振荡积分以及相关的一些代数分析和代数几何2024.11.22 16:00-17:00 S803
222024.11张磊教授: The structure of a locally trivial fibration2024.11.22 15:15-16:15 思源楼 S723
222024.11刘文飞教授: On numerically and cohomologically trivial automorphisms of properly elliptic surface2024.11.22 14:00-15:00 思源楼 S723
222024.11戚鲁: K-stability, Ding stability and filtrations2024.11.22 13:00-14:00 思源楼S 813
222024.11张振雷教授: Kahler-Ricci flow and the limit structure2024.11.22 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
222024.11曾劲松副教授: Most Fatou components are small2024.11.22 10:40-11:40 腾讯会议:254-974-739
222024.11Prof. Lei Yang: Ratner's measure rigidity theorem for semisimple ambient groups2024.11.22 10:00-11:30 MCM610