022024.12刘小雷副教授: The geography of slopes of fibrations2024.12.02 10:10-11:10 思源楼 S817
022024.12石芸: The Real Cost of Readability: Market and Real Efficiency in the Age of Machine Reading2024.12.02 09:30-11:00 思源楼415
022024.12Wenjun Yu 博士: Observable-Driven Speed-ups in Quantum Simulations2024.12.02 09:30-10:30 南楼N226
022024.12龚成副教授: Galois cover of Algebraic surfaces2024.12.02 09:00-10:00 思源楼 S817
012024.12栗付才教授: On particle-fluid models2024.12.01 14:30-15:30 思源楼813
012024.12Doctor Yu Li: A Bi-Orthogonal Structure-Preserving eigensolver for large-scale linear response eigenvalue problem and its application in Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations2024.12.01 09:00-10:00 Z301
302024.11王曦廷: Research on TCM Diagnosis Model with LLM based Multi-Agent Approach2024.11.30 19:00-20:00 思源楼415
292024.11林治武教授: The existence of Prandtl-Batchelor flows2024.11.29 19:00-20:00 腾讯会议:221 821 252
292024.11Jian-Guo Liu: An Efficient Solver with Convergence Analysis for Mean-Field Games via the Best Response and Evolution2024.11.29 15:00-16:00 南楼N205
292024.11徐泽副教授: Motivic multiplicativity of complete intersections2024.11.29 14:00-15:00 思源楼S813