292024.11李维喜教授:Hydrostatic approximation of the Boussinesq equations2024.11.29 11:00-12:00 南楼613
292024.11杨璐鲜副研究员: Dynamics on a Periodic Complementary Component of a Completely Stable Multicurve2024.11.29 10:40-11:40 腾讯会议:509-228-862
292024.11石亚龙教授: The rigidity of the Green functions of GJMS operators on spheres2024.11.29 10:30-11:30 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
292024.11张磊副教授: The Pro-étale Fundamental Group2024.11.29 10:10-11:10 思源楼 S817
292024.11石亚龙教授: The computation of the Green functions of GJMS operators on spheres2024.11.29 09:30-10:30 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
292024.11杨璐鲜副研究员: Multicurves and Thurston's Theorem2024.11.29 09:30-10:30 腾讯会议:509-228-862
292024.11张荣:Global existence of solutions to the 3D barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosities2024.11.29 09:00-10:00 腾讯会议:106-498-484 会议密码:2024
292024.11扶先辉教授: Ghosts, phantoms and Cartan-Eilenberg homological algebra for a DG-ring2024.11.29 09:00-10:00 思源楼 S817
282024.11陶涛副教授: Prandtl–Batchelor Flows on a Disk2024.11.28 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议:563-859-808
282024.11吕恒飞: The Prasad-Takloo-Bighash conjecture2024.11.28 14:30-15:30 数学院南楼N818