172024.10沈伟明副教授:The Monge-Ampere equation in convex polygonal domains I2024.10.17 09:30-10:30 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
162024.10王立中教授:Green correspondence and related transfer theorems2024.10.16 14:30-15:30 思源楼S817
162024.10牟丽丽副教授: Total positivity and two inequalities by Athanasiadis and Tzanaki2024.10.16 11:00-12:00 思源楼525
162024.10Prof. Naichung Conan Leung: 3d mirror symmetry is mirror symmetry2024.10.16 10:00-11:30 MCM410
162024.10杨萌轩博士: Mathematics of magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene2024.10.16 09:00-10:00 Zoom 会议:8488618384 密码:848599
152024.10林漫漫博士: 拉曼光谱技术及其在生物医学领域的应用2024.10.15 16:00-17:00 数学院思源楼817
152024.10Prof.Haizhong Li: Summation for two sets in hyperbolic space2024.10.15 16:00-17:00 晨兴410
152024.10张涵: Homogeneous dynamics, the slicing theorem and Khintchine's theorem on fractals2024.10.15 15:00-16:00 N913
152024.10Prof. Arnaud Beauville: Quotients of Jacobians2024.10.15 10:00-11:30 MCM110
152024.10Prof. Masayuki Kawakita: Invitation to minimal log discrepancies on smooth threefolds2024.10.15 09:00-10:00 MCM110