092024.10田一超 研究员:L-函数的特殊值与算术代数几何2024.10.09 15:30-17:00 南楼N204 腾讯会议:536-328-617 会议密码:123456
092024.10Prof.Maxim Burke: Comonotone approximation and interpolation by entire functions2024.10.09 10:30-12:00 思源楼S813
032024.10Prof. Bui The Anh: Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators and Applications2024.10.03 09:30-10:30 S813
302024.09兰永新 副教授: Results on planar Turán numbers of graphs2024.09.30 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议 :311 073 4103
302024.09Weifang Weng: Dynamics of fractional N-soliton solutions of integrable fractional higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equations2024.09.30 10:30-11:30 N224
302024.09Weifang Weng: Large-order asymptotics of multi-rational solitons of the Complex mKdV equation with nonzero background2024.09.30 09:00-10:00 N224
282024.09钟新教授: Incompressible limit of three dimensional isentropic compressible Navier–Stokes equations with discontinuous initial data2024.09.28 16:00-17:00 腾讯会议 458-323-266
272024.09周乐为: 图计算综述2024.09.27 20:00-21:00 腾讯会议:311 073 4103
272024.09刘冰萧: Toeplitz-Fubini-Study forms and lowest eigenvalues of Toeplitz operators2024.09.27 14:00-15:30 思源楼813
272024.09Prof. Tadahiro Oh: Fourier restriction norm method adapted to controlled paths2024.09.27 13:00-14:00 思源楼803