222024.11张振雷教授: Kahler-Ricci flow and the limit structure2024.11.22 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
222024.11曾劲松副教授: Most Fatou components are small2024.11.22 10:40-11:40 腾讯会议:254-974-739
222024.11Prof. Lei Yang: Ratner's measure rigidity theorem for semisimple ambient groups2024.11.22 10:00-11:30 MCM610
222024.11Prof. Liang Xiao:Selected topics on cohomology of (phi, Gamma)-modules2024.11.22 10:00-12:00 MCM110 & Online (Zoom ID: 3329836068 Password: mcm1234)
222024.11曾劲松副教授: Most Julia components are small2024.11.22 09:30-10:30 腾讯会议:697-284-207
212024.11Olivier Graf : The linear stability of Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter spacetimes2024.11.21 16:30-17:30 腾讯会议:534-941-730
212024.11颜文斌教授: Modules of W-algebras and affine Springer fibers II2024.11.21 15:40-16:40 南楼N818
212024.11邓又军教授: Recent advances on mathematical models of multi-layered medium2024.11.21 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议:548-369-729
212024.11单敏捷副教授: Dispersive decay for the mass-critical generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation2024.11.21 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议:194-783-281
212024.11Prof. B. A. Malomed: Basic Fractional Nonlinear-Wave Models and Solitons2024.11.21 14:30-15:30 N402