202024.11Prof. Laurent Fargues: The Riemann Hilbert correspondence modulo p for rigid analytic étale sheaves2024.11.20 14:00-16:00 MCM110 & Online (Zoom ID: 3329836068 Password: mcm1234)
202024.11余讯教授: Automorphism groups of smooth hypersurfaces2024.11.20 14:00-15:00 思源楼 S817
202024.11戚鲁: Valuative criterion for K-stability2024.11.20 10:30-11:30 思源楼S 813
202024.11戚鲁: Algebraic K-stability of Fano varieties2024.11.20 09:00-10:00 思源楼S 813
192024.11Wenze Su: Shock Formation for 2D Isentropic Euler Equations with Self-similar Variables2024.11.19 10:00-11:00 S525
182024.11吴照奇教授: Shor算法中的相干与纠缠2024.11.18 14:00-15:00 腾讯会议: 713-755-446
172024.11Prof. Changzheng Qu: On the nonlocal μ-type dispersive Equations-(II)2024.11.17 16:00-16:50 N402
172024.11Prof. Changzheng Qu: On the nonlocal μ-type dispersive Equations-(I)2024.11.17 15:00-15:50 N402
172024.11赵雨辰: 一种基于函数近似算法的阵列式机器人形状控制方法2024.11.17 10:00-11:00 思源楼425
162024.11孙晓松教授:Some properties concerning derivations of affine domains2024.11.16 09:00-10:00 思源楼S817