122024.11谷世杰教授: BNPC manifolds of dimension at most four are Euclidean2024.11.12 10:30-11:30 晨兴110
122024.11刘燕俊教授: Representations of finite groups: old and new problems2024.11.12 10:15-11:15 思源楼 817
122024.11方汉隆: Bounding smooth Levi-flat hypersurfaces in a Stein manifold2024.11.12 10:00-11:30 思源楼525
122024.11冯冠豪: Deep Tangency Portfolio2024.11.12 09:30-11:00 思源楼315
122024.11胡维教授: Morphisms in derived categories realized as chain maps2024.11.12 09:00-10:00 思源楼 817
112024.11杨建奎教授: Optimal Control of Matching Queues2024.11.11 15:20-16:00 思源楼615
112024.11郭永江教授: Asymptotic Variability Analysis in Tandem Queues2024.11.11 14:40-15:20 思源楼615
112024.11黄军飞副教授: Optimal Pricing for Queueing Systems with Loss-Averse Customers2024.11.11 14:00-14:40 思源楼615
102024.11张红莲教授: Poincare series and McKay-Slodowy Correspondence2024.11.10 10:00-11:00 思源楼 S817
082024.11曹晋副教授: The motivic fundamental group of a punctured elliptic curve and algebraic cycles2024.11.08 15:15-16:15 思源楼 813