142024.11Prof. Yong Chen: Lax pairs informed neural networks solving integrable systems-(I)2024.11.14 19:00-19:40 N402
142024.11Prof. Engui Fan: The Fokas-Lenells equation on the line: Global well-posedness with solitons2024.11.14 16:30-17:30 N402
142024.11Prof. Engui Fan: Existence of global solutions for the Fokas-Lenells equation on the line2024.11.14 15:30-16:30 N402
142024.11李起峰: Geometric structures arising from minimal rational curves2024.11.14 15:15-16:15 思源楼S817
142024.11崔沛仪博士:l-Modular Blocks: How far are we from reduction to depth zero?2024.11.14 14:30-15:30 N818
142024.11胡文传教授: The Structure of Chow variety2024.11.14 14:00-15:00 思源楼 S817
142024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅴ)2024.11.14 11:30-12:20 南楼N913
142024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅳ)2024.11.14 10:30-11:20 南楼N913
142024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅲ)2024.11.14 09:30-10:20 南楼N913
132024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅱ)2024.11.13 20:30-21:20 南楼N913