032024.09Professor Weifeng Liu:Sparse Matrix Computations on Modern High-Performance Processors2024.09.03 15:00-16:00 Z311
032024.09赵顺征: 含硫挥发性有机污染物净化技术及机理研究2024.09.03 11:00-12:00 S425
032024.09王慰: An invitation to the topology of diffeomorphism groups of high dimensional manifolds II2024.09.03 10:30-11:30 南楼N820
032024.09王起: Brick finiteness of classical Schur algebras2024.09.03 10:30-11:30 S817
032024.09何启明教授: Majorization, Stochastic Orders, and Bounds for Phase-Type Distributions2024.09.03 10:00-11:00 南楼N620
032024.09徐志浩: Localization Transition and Many Body Localization in Non-Hermitian Systems2024.09.03 10:00-11:00 S425
032024.09曹杰: Stability of external rays2024.09.03 09:30-10:30 思源楼S803
032024.09王慰: An invitation to the topology of diffeomorphism groups of high dimensional manifolds I2024.09.03 09:30-11:30 南楼N820
032024.09瞿燕辉: Sturm 哈密尔顿—从数学的角度看2024.09.03 09:00-10:00 S425
022024.09沈佐伟教授:数据科学中的数学2024.09.02 10:00-11:00 南楼202