212024.10杨建伟: On endline bilinear restriction estimates for the paraboloid2024.10.21 16:00-17:00 思源楼S803
212024.10Christian Bernert: Points of bounded height on quintic del Pezzo surfaces over number fields2024.10.21 15:30-16:30 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 7302 7340 Passcode: 969540
202024.10吕鑫教授:The canonical map of a foliated surface of general type2024.10.20 15:00-16:00 S817
182024.10李思教授:量子化的同调方法及其应用2024.10.18 10:40-11:50 南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
182024.10Dr. Arnaud Vanhaecke: Cohomology of p-adic étale local systems on the coverings of Drinfeld's half plane2024.10.18 10:00-12:00 MCM110
182024.10Professor Chaozhen Wei: Primal dual methods for Wasserstein gradient flows with general mobilities2024.10.18 10:00-11:00 N109
182024.10张科伟副教授:Symmetry of Green’s function on Riemann surface2024.10.18 10:00-11:00 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
172024.10桂弢博: Weyl group symmetries of the toric variety associated with Weyl chambers2024.10.17 14:30-15:30 N818
172024.10沈伟明副教授:The Monge-Ampere equation in convex polygonal domains II2024.10.17 10:30-11:30 腾讯会议:876-6294-1705
172024.10Professor Ralf Hiptmair: Operator Preconditioning2024.10.17 10:00-11:00 N219