052024.12Changzhen Sun: On the transverse spectral instability of Stokes waves2024.12.05 15:30-16:30 腾讯会议号:910-458-456
052024.12刘忠原教授:Some results on singular solutions for the Liouville type equation2024.12.05 15:30-16:30 腾讯会议:584-515-980
052024.12杨迪教授:Generating series of GUE, LUE, and P^1 correlators (Part 2)2024.12.05 15:30-16:30 腾讯会议:560-605-796
052024.12赵启贤博士: Affine Springer fibers and affine vertex algebras2024.12.05 14:30-16:00 N818
052024.12杨迪教授:Generating series of GUE, LUE, and P^1 correlators (Part 1)2024.12.05 14:00-15:00 腾讯会议:560-605-796
052024.12Dawei Shen: Future null infinity in perturbations of Kerr2024.12.05 10:30-11:30 腾讯会议: 621-426-387
042024.12Sam Krupa : Are $L^\infty$ solutions to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws unique?2024.12.04 16:30-17:30 Zoom会议: 848 861 8384(密码: 848599)
042024.12沈栋教授: Variable gain design in stochastic iterative learning control2024.12.04 15:30-16:30 南楼N205
042024.12Professor Junxiong Jia:Variational Inference for Statistical Inverse Problems2024.12.04 15:00-16:00 Tencent Meeting: 446-770-695
042024.12黄红教授: Topological classification of manifolds with positive isotropic curvature2024.12.04 14:15-15:15 南楼N818