132024.12叶郁教授:An introduction to Koszul algebras and Koszul duality2024.12.13 16:00-17:00 N702
132024.12Shengquan Xiang: Exponential mixing for random nonlinear wave equations: weak dissipation and localized control2024.12.13 10:30-11:30 S813
132024.12Professor Emmanuel Trelat: From microscopic to macroscopic scale equations: mean field, hydrodynamic and graph limits2024.12.13 09:30-10:30 S813
122024.12韩丛英教授: 求解大规模线性规划问题的端到端学习算法介绍2024.12.12 19:00-20:00 腾讯会议 955-182-800
122024.12张蓝天:Adaptive Tracking Control with Binary-Valued Output Observations2024.12.12 16:10-17:00 腾讯会议:510-481-590
122024.12Professor Grenier Emmanuel: Boundary driven instabilities2024.12.12 16:00-17:00 S803
122024.12徐敏教授: The Non-inclusive Diagnosability of Networks2024.12.12 16:00-17:00 数学院南楼613
122024.12程郁琨教授: Mechanism Design for Exchange Market2024.12.12 15:00-16:00 数学院南楼613
122024.12赵雨辰副研究员:基于电阻网络逆问题严格解的柔性传感器阵列的理论与实验研究2024.12.12 11:10-12:00 腾讯会议:692-822-009
122024.12Allen Juntao Fang: Wave behavior in the vanishing cosmological constant limit2024.12.12 10:30-11:30 腾讯会议: 194-599-881