222024.12叶永南特聘教授: Context-free Grammars and Combinatorial Polynomials2024.12.22 09:00-11:30 数学院南楼N620
212024.12张瑞祥:Introduction to Fourier restriction type problems2024.12.21 10:00-11:00 S813
212024.12叶永南特聘教授: A Combinatorial Survey of Identities for the Double Factorial2024.12.21 09:00-11:30 数学院南楼N620
202024.12张笑然:A review of Soffer-Weinstein's proof of instability in Hamiltonian, resonant nonlinear wave equations2024.12.20 16:00-17:00 S813
202024.12Prof. Lars Andersson:Stability of spacetimes with supersymmetric compactifications2024.12.20 15:00-16:00 S813
202024.12王长军副研究员: 离散动态网络路由博弈:模型、基础问题及进展2024.12.20 11:20-12:00 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
202024.12陈鸽副研究员: 局部交互下多智能体涌现分析2024.12.20 10:40-11:20 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
202024.12宋雷 副教授: On the Du Bois property of secant varieties2024.12.20 10:00-11:00 思源楼 S817
192024.12Associate Professor Hao Wang: Modeling and Analysis for Blending Type of Atomistic to Higher Order Continuum Concurrent Multiscale Methods2024.12.19 16:30-17:30 Z301
192024.12高兴誉研究员: 工程驱动的第一性原理热力学与力学计算2024.12.19 15:30-16:30 蓝白楼301