192024.12邓富声教授: A new look at ample line bundles2024.12.19 10:40-11:40 南楼N913
192024.12邓富声教授: New looks at singularity in several complex variables2024.12.19 09:30-10:30 南楼N913
182024.12Prof. Dr. Thomas Schick: The topology of positive scalar curvature2024.12.18 15:30-17:00 南楼N204
182024.12王诗宬 院士: 曲面同胚的边界不可压缩协边2024.12.18 14:15-15:15 南楼N818
172024.12贾博名: Minimal nilpotent orbit of type D2024.12.17 14:00-15:00 N913
162024.12骆文斌: Non-Archimedean Geometry and Spaces of norms2024.12.16 18:00-19:00 S813
162024.12Prof. Xiaochuan Liu:On the shallow-water background of the Camassa-Holm-type models-(II)2024.12.16 16:00-17:00 N402
162024.12Prof. Xiaochuan Liu:On the shallow-water background of the Camassa-Holm-type models-(I)2024.12.16 15:00-16:00 N402
162024.12李嘉旭:Shallow water equations with surface tension and contact lines: Derivation, well-posedness, and global stability2024.12.16 10:00-11:00 腾讯会议号:393 112 782 密码:80806
162024.12李力: Unique determination results for the Calderón type inverse problems2024.12.16 10:00-10:30 N224