152024.11高延教授: On the wandering connected components of the boundary of a fixed Fatou domain2024.11.15 10:40-11:40 腾讯会议:492-108-451
152024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅶ)2024.11.15 10:30-11:20 南楼N913
152024.11Prof. Biao Li: The data-driven discovery of partial differential equations by symbolic genetic algorithm-(I)2024.11.15 10:00-10:40 N702
152024.11高延 教授:On the periodic connected components of the boundary of a fixed Fatou domain2024.11.15 09:30-10:30 腾讯会议:648-247-371
152024.11郑方阳教授: 复微分几何简介(Ⅵ)2024.11.15 09:30-10:20 南楼N913
152024.11Prof. Senyue Lou: Symmetry study of a novel integrable supersymmetric dispersionless system2024.11.15 09:10-09:50 N702
152024.11Prof. Senyue Lou: 对称性和守恒律若干问题探讨-(I)2024.11.15 08:30-09:10 N702
142024.11Prof. Yong Chen: Lax pairs informed neural networks solving integrable systems-(II)2024.11.14 19:40-20:20 N402
142024.11郭金教授: 多智能体网络化系统中的辨识问题2024.11.14 19:30-21:00 腾讯会议:504-906-330
142024.11Prof. Yong Chen: Lax pairs informed neural networks solving integrable systems-(I)2024.11.14 19:00-19:40 N402