062024.11李志远教授: 从Hilbert第十五问题谈起2024.11.06 15:30-17:00 南楼N204 腾讯会议:446-269-385 会议密码:123456
062024.11邱彦奇: Harmonic analysis of conservative cascade measures2024.11.06 15:00-16:00 S813
062024.11陈家煌: On the existence of critical Z/2 eigensections on S^22024.11.06 14:15-15:15 N818
062024.11Prof. Laurent Fargues: The Riemann Hilbert correspondence modulo p for rigid analytic étale sheaves2024.11.06 13:00-15:00 N204
062024.11张筑助理教授: Structural stability of subsonic boundary layers2024.11.06 11:00-12:00 思源楼803
062024.11Prof. Pierre Colmez: On the pro-étale cohomology of p-adic analytic spaces2024.11.06 10:30-11:30 MCM110
062024.11Dr. Ce Ji: A generalization of the Witten conjecture from spectral curve2024.11.06 10:30-11:30 MCM410
062024.11Dr. Jesus Contreras: On local times of spectrally one-sided Lévy processes2024.11.06 10:30-11:30 南楼N620
062024.11张筑助理教授: A quasi compressible-Stokes iteration scheme with applications to subsonic flows at the high Reynolds number2024.11.06 09:30-10:30 思源楼803
052024.11林冠岑: 基于复杂性与耦合关系的时间序列分析2024.11.05 14:30-15:30 思源楼817