292024.10Mizuka Komatsu (Abe) : Algebraically-observable PINNs: application of differential elimination for physics-informed neural networks2024.10.29 16:00-17:00 思源楼525
292024.10Professor Patrick Farrell: Reynolds-robust multilevel solvers for incompressible flow problems2024.10.29 14:20-16:00 N202
292024.10周明铄副研究员: On a Conjecture of Mehta-Ramadas2024.10.29 14:00-15:00 思源楼 615
292024.10Prof. Akitaka Matsumura: Introduction to energy methods for non-linear PDE——Viscous p-system2024.10.29 14:00-16:00 N613
292024.10Dr. Peihang Wu: Characteristic zero theory2024.10.29 10:00-11:30 MCM110
292024.10刘济豪研究员: How Are Generalized Pairs Applied in Foliation Theory?2024.10.29 10:00-11:30 晨兴 410
262024.10方北香教授: Asymptotic Analysis of Steady Viscous Shocks in a 1-D Finite Nozzle in the Small Viscosity Limit2024.10.26 11:00-12:00 思源楼813
262024.10方北香教授: On Admissible Positions of Transonic Shocks for Steady Isothermal Euler Flows in a Horizontal Flat Nozzle under Vertical Gravity2024.10.26 9:30-10:30 思源楼813
252024.10Prof. Cédric Bonnafé: Braid group actions on the cohomology of Deligne-Lusztig varieties2024.10.25 16:00-17:00 南楼N820
252024.10邓斌博士: Existence and quantitative description of bimerons in ferromagnetic films with degree ±12024.10.25 16:00-17:00 思源楼S625