252024.10孙浩教授 : An introduction to Bridgeland stability conditions2024.10.25 13:30-14:30 思源楼 813
252024.10高扬 研究员 : 地月空间的航天动力学2024.10.25 10:40-11:50 数学院南楼N204(数学院交流报告会)
252024.10András Sebő 教授: The Salesman and the Postman: Frontiers and Gateways in Combinatorial Optimization2024.10.25 10:00-11:00 南楼219
242024.10陈艺冰研究员: 极端条件下多物理多介质问题数值模拟中的若干问题2024.10.24 16:00-17:00 蓝白楼311
242024.10郭书晨博士: Quantitative propagation of chaos for multi-species moderately interacting particle systems with attractive Coulomb potentials2024.10.24 16:00-17:00 ZOOM会议3541437366 密码:123456
242024.10Prof. Akitaka Matsumura: Introduction to energy methods for non-linear PDE——Generalized Burgers equation II2024.10.24 14:00-16:00 N613
242024.10程书明研究员: Direct observation of general Kirkwood-Dirac quasiprobability distributions2024.10.24 11:00-12:00 思源楼 625
232024.10杨卫华教授:自注意机制以及残差网络在癫痫发作预测中的应用2024.10.23 19:30-20:30 腾讯会议 :635 529 188
232024.10黄锐教授: On autoignition of co-flow laminar jets with nonlinear diffusion2024.10.23 15:00-16:00 腾讯会议: 448 619 395
232024.10张通教授: Moduli spaces of threefolds on the Noether line2024.10.23 15:00-16:00 思源楼 817