312024.10Dr. Peihang Wu: Compactifications of abelian-type Shimura varieties2024.10.31 10:00-11:30 MCM110
302024.10段华贵教授: Maslov-type index theory and closed orbits2024.10.30 16:00-17:00 思源楼 615
302024.10左怀青教授: On monodromy conjecture and related problems2024.10.30 14:00-15:00 思源楼 615
302024.10Dr. Chenglang Yang:A relation between the topological vertex and multi-component KP hierarchy2024.10.30 10:30-11:30 MCM410
302024.10Prof. Pierre Colmez:On the pro-étale cohomology of p-adic analytic spaces2024.10.30 10:30-11:30 MCM110
302024.10Professor Weizhong Zhao: W-representations of matrix models2024.10.30 10:30-11:30 南楼N219
302024.10Prof. Qingtian Zhang: Global solutions of vortex front problems2024.10.30 10:00-11:00 MCM510
302024.10Professor Guoce Xin: Algorithmic development for MacMahon's partition analysis2024.10.30 09:30-10:30 N219
302024.10陈召龙: 烯碳材料的制备与AI赋能2024.10.30 09:30-10:30 思源楼425
292024.10Prof. Cun-Hui Zhang: Statistical Inference in High-Dimension2024.10.29 16:00-17:00 N219