报告人:李培军 研究员(计算数学与科学工程计算研究所)
题 目:Recent progress on inverse random source problems for wave equations
摘 要:
Inverse problems are to recover unknown parameters from external observations. They find significant applications in diverse fields such as geophysics, seismology, radar technology, and medical imaging. In this field, the estimation of an unknown source term is a fundamental challenge. Random sources add another level of complexity to this problem due to their uncertainties. In this talk, our recent progress will be presented on both computational and theoretical studies of inverse random problems for wave equations, with a primary focus on the acoustic wave equation. Some of our ongoing projects will be highlighted, including both direct and inverse problems related to stochastic wave equations.
时 间:2024.2.23(星期五), 10:40-13:00
地 点:南楼204会议室/腾讯会议534-8268-8299