



报告人一:刘歆 研究员计算数学与科学工程计算研究所)    

题 目 一:Optimization models and approaches for strictly correlated electrons    

摘 要 一:In electronic structure calculations, Kohn-Sham equations rank among the most widely adopted mathematical models. However, due to the deficiency of available approximations for exchange-correlation energy, Kohn-Sham equations cannot well describe strictly correlated electrons at present. To this end, some models based on the strong-interaction limit of density functional theory have been developed in recent decades. The associated energy minimizations can be formulated as multi-marginal optimal transport problems with Coulomb cost (MMOT). Since the curse of dimensionality resides in MMOT, its low-dimensional reformulations are indispensable. In this talk, we consider the reformulation based on a Monge-like ansatz. We discuss the difficulties in the corresponding optimization problems, and also propose a global optimization approach for numerical resolution.    

报告人二:齐洪胜 副研究员系统科学研究所)    

题 目 二:逻辑动态系统研究进展    

摘 要 二: 逻辑是人类认知和交流的基本手段,因此逻辑动态系统的分析与控制是认识和改造世界的根本工具之一。此前针对逻辑系统的分析与综合缺乏合适的数学工具,本报告首先介绍基于矩阵半张量积的代数状态空间方法,并对逻辑动态系统分析与控制理论作简要回顾,进一步汇报我们在逻辑动态系统方面近期的研究进展。    

  间:2022.12.23(星期五), 10:40-13:00    



