



报告人一:Manolis C. Tsakiris 副研究员系统科学研究所

题目一:Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of subspace arrangements

摘 要:Derksen & Sidman (2002) proved that the ideal defining the union of n linear spaces in projective space has Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity at most n, and that this bound is tight. This has been the single general result in the literature in this direction. In this talk I will report a recent result jointly proved with Aldo Conca, which improves the bound of Derksen & Sidman when the linear spaces are generic of codimension at least 2. Connections with the Hilbert function of a subspace arrangement and the famous theorem of Hartshorne & Hirschowitz (1981) will be discussed.

报告人二: 邵长鹏 副研究员(系统科学研究所

题目二:Quantum algorithms for eigenvalue problems

摘要:In this talk, I will introduce quantum algorithms for solving eigenvalue problems. I will focus on quantum algorithms for eigenvalue estimation of Hermitian matrices, normal matrices and diagonalizable matrices only with real eigenvalues. The main result says that on a quantum compute, we can output a superposition of eigen-pairs in time polylog in the dimension. The talk is based on arXiv:1912.08015, arXiv:2010.15027.

  间:2024.5.24(星期五), 10:40-12:00



